Marketing: Evaluating External Stimulus Such As Demographics From A Consumer Psychological Perspective Within The Parameters Of Gctice

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Marketing: Evaluating External Stimulus such as Demographics from a Consumer Psychological Perspective within the Parameters of GCTICE


Table of Contents


Research Method1

Defining Qualitative and Quantitative1

Purpose and Design2

Research Approach3


Data Collection4



Data Analysis6

Validity and Reliability6

Underlying Assumptions7


Ethical Considerations8






Research Method

The objective is to use both qualitative and quantitative measures to statistically evaluate how end users respond to product offering in the market place. In mixed method research, the researchers can use different approaches simultaneously or at a particular instant during the research process. The main objective of the mixed method research extends beyond the use of qualitative or quantitative data sets, allowing the researchers to mix both approaches throughout the research process or at a particular instant - i.e. in case of triangulation of the data. Mixed method research emphasizes on the sequential use of different methodologies - qualitative and quantitative. The usage of mixed method research provides researchers with an opportunity to use integrated methods for analysis of statistical and inferential data (Tashakkori, 2008) .

The steps in the mixed methodology are usually numbered but their application may vary from research to research. There are eight basic steps in the mixed methodology which have been explained below:

First and foremost the researcher must analyze the mixed methodology and decide whether this methodology is appropriate or not. The researcher must choose it if it properly answers all the research questions and provide a reliable result.

The research design must be selected properly.

The data must be collected using different collection methods.

The data must be analyzed properly.

The data must be validated throughout the study so that the research results are reliable.

The researcher must interpret the data.

Finally the researcher must interpret it properly

Defining Qualitative and Quantitative

The notion of mixed method being a combination of both qualitative and quantitative data still prevails. But the fact remains that there is no particular definition for mixed methodology. The qualitative and quantitative methods are defined on the basis of the nature of data, being used to conduct a particular study. T

here are other factors that should also be considered when differentiating between the two distinctive data sets. These factors include but are not limited to the logic used, the method of analysis and the underlying paradigm. Most of the researchers think that working with quantitative data brings a positivistic approach. But the fact remains that selecting an appropriate methodology is still a challenging task for researchers. Two of the most important issues facing the researchers in this regard include: flexibility of the methodological approach and appropriateness (Smith, 2007). The use of mixed method research tends to ease up the complexity by offering shortcuts in cases where multiple methods are being used to cater to the needs of the research study.

In qualitative analysis, the measurement is based on the decision making process and how each element of the program personally affects the current or prospective employee (Creswell, 2005, 27).

Moreover, qualitative research is concerned with the possible similarities of perceptions, beliefs and attitudes of those being interviewed by the ...