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Waterborne Diseases

Water is essential for the health of the population, food production and energy, transportation, recreation, and natural ecosystems. However, climate change will have the effect of reducing the quality and quantity of water resources. It is expected to decrease water levels, including in the Great Lakes. It is also expected to increase in diseases caused by water.

Typhoid Fever

It is an acute infectious disease caused by the bacterium Salmonella typhi. It is spread by milk, water or food contaminated by the faeces of patients or carriers. Carriers are healthy people who have asymptomatic infection and excrete the bacillus periodically. The epidemiological transmission scheme can be simplified with the initials DAME (fingers, food, flies and excreta). The organisms reach the intestine and out of it to get to the mesenteric lymph nodes, hence can travel to the stomach, liver, or follow the blood causing serious damage to the spleen or brain. Symptoms that have this disease are: headache, chills, insomnia, weakness, gradual increase in temperature.


An acute infectious disease endemic in India and in some tropical countries, although outbreaks can occur in countries of climate temperate, the symptoms of cholera are diarrhea and loss of fluids and salts minerals in faeces. In severe cases there is a very important diarrhea, with stool characteristics "rice water", vomiting, thirst, muscle cramps and sometimes circulatory failure. In these cases the patient can die within hours of onset of symptoms. Left to their natural course, mortality is over 50%, but not less than 1% with proper treatment.

Bacillary dysentery

It is produced by some species of bacteria nonmotile genus Shigella. This form of dysentery is also more common in tropical regions of the planet with hygiene deficient, but, as is most contagious, outbreaks occur worldwide. It is a self-limited diarrhea rarely exceeds ontestinal involvement; however, the disease is severe, especially in children and the elderly.

Protozoal diseases

Bodies are undetectable to the naked eye. Unlike metazoans, protozoa multiply within its host. A distinction is generally a form of vegetative or asexual propagation, during which the parasite grows causing thousands of protozoa fully capable of invading body cells, determining their destruction, and an encysted form, which takes place outside the body host and wherein the protozoan is enclosed within a casing resistant to the external environmental elements. In the dog are protozoan diseases affecting the tissues, blood and the gastrointestinal tract.


The disease transmission occurs via a conductive agent, Phlebotomus sp. In humans, leishmaniasis is classified by their clinical appearance: the skin or Middle Button, produced by Laishmania tropica, the visceral, produced by L. infatum, and L. donovani.


The disease belongs to the category of flagellate protozoa disseminated worldwide. This is found not only in the dog's intestine, but also in the cat, rabbit, cow and man. He is considered a parasite normally present in the intestinal region, but for various factors such as dietary errors (excess carbohydrates), parasites, suddenly multiplies. Achieves fluidization of faeces mucus are rich because of enterocolitis, often severe.


This disease is caused by the ...
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