Ministry Of Peter

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The Healing Ministry Of Peter

The Healing Ministry Of Peter


The Bible records hundreds of "signs, wonders and miracles" in its pages. The expression is found in Acts 2.22 or Peter speaks of the works that Jesus opera among the people, in 2 Cor 12.12, where Paul mentions the evidence of his apostolate, in Heb 2.4 or author emphasizes the support given by the witness of God disciples of Jesus, and finally in 2 Thes 2.9 or Paul describes the ways in which the Antichrist will seduce the world. The Bible describes many physical healings performed with or without natural means. Nobody can deny this fact. But a question arises quickly can we, should we expect God to do these things today?

When Jesus said "Verily, verily, I say to you, whoever believes in me will also do the works that I do, and it will be larger, because I go unto my Father" (John 14.12), did he mean that we would be able to reproduce all the signs and miracles he had performed in a greater extent than his? The end of the verse, "because I go unto my Father," enlightens us: these are works done in the power of the Holy Spirit in the Church through the centuries (cf. John 16.8).

If our God is still processing the same way, and if the text is often repeated: "For I am the LORD, I change not" (Mal 3.6) and "Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today and forever "(Heb 13.8) apply to such signs, wonders and miracles, then we should expect to see occur, not just on the healing that has been emphasized as today.

Why so much support on physical healing? Why not multiply the loaves and fishes and feed the hungry multitudes of today? Why not silence the waves and winds that spread terror on our oceans? To achieve an honest answer, we must turn to God's word and hear what she said about all the miracles it relates.

First, note that the signs and miracles are not the same thing. A sign is always a miracle, but all miracles are not signs. We are accustomed to regard as a miracle that rarely happens on the one hand, and what deviates from the normal way to act of God on the other. God is bound by nothing, neither its laws nor by those of nature, and even less than men. Only his will and pleasure count.

The signs, however, presuppose a background of sin, unbelief and opposition. They include a note of instruction and warning; especially in an atmosphere of hostility to God's plan for men (see Gospel of John). After the creation of man, we find no trace of a single sign, otherwise the decision of the flood. Were there not then believers or servants of God? Just think a man like that Scripture says Enoch walked with God and that he was taken from him (cf. Gen 5.24; Heb 11.5). Think of Noah, called a preacher of righteousness, who ...
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