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In an organized society, not just the realization of social awareness for the maintenance of order, because the social existence that determines consciousness. In other words, values, way of thinking and acting in a society are reflections of the relationships between men to get means to survive (Skeggs, 1997 pp. 89). Thus, the production relations among people depend on their relations with the means of production and that, according to these relationships, can be proprietary / non-proprietary, capitalist / worker, boss / employee. Men belongs to different social classes.

Those men, who hold the ownership of the means of production appropriated from the work of those men who do not have these resources, with the latter selling labor power to survive. The class struggle is nothing more than a comparison of the antagonistic classes. When I say “high modernity”, I mean the current time, a time when our culture is undergoing a major crisis and deep, whose presence is perceived in all spheres of our society (Bourdieu, 1984).

I argue that we reap today the consequences of modernity, which can be understood as a style, custom social life or organization which emerged in Europe from the seventeenth century and later, to a greater or lesser degree, has become worldwide in its influence and have a radical and universalizing as ever. The early use of the term “lifestyle” dates from the early twentieth century, where much of the world, suffering interventions “encouraging” that ruled in the industrialization and modernization, seen to be promoted every year new perspectives of leisure and consumption (Paterson, 2006).


In the case of class domination, to establish social classes according to the degree distribution of power in society is rather arduous task, because the power being exercised over men, that are the ones who hold it while others support it, makes it difficult to consider that this is a distributed resource, even if unevenly, for all citizens. Thus, class relations are power relations, and the concept of power is so simple and synthetic structuring of social inequalities (Longhurst, 2013). The value judgment that people make to each other and how to position themselves in their respective classes, depends on three factors: power, wealth and prestige, which are nothing more than fundamental elements to constitute social inequality.

If the problem in the relationship is in the family that does not accept the relationship, you need to be firm and fellowship between the couple. “The partner must defend each other in case there is critical to the relationship, and make it clear that the choice to draw the life together and share the goals and dreams is the couple. Must be faced head on and never stoop because of a social status lower (Ashley, 2004) .However, if the partner feel assaulted and threatened with the social situation of the other, there is no doubt that this relationship will be doomed to failure, because the respect is gone.”

The “lifestyles” are less determined by structural positions and ...