Motivation: Self-Worth Theory

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Motivation: Self-Worth Theory

Motivation: Self-Worth Theory


Motivation is a very powerful force, which makes the tasks and goals of an individual easy to achieve. These tasks and goals can range from personal life goals to goals of learning in a class room and achieving success. The reason behind a person's failure is the lack of motivation for a task. An individual starts blaming others for the failure he had to face due to his own mistakes and lack of motivation to work hard. In order to achieve heights of success, one has to be physically, mentally and emotionally skilled to make things happen. Self Motivation is a very powerful tool; it can help people to overcome their incompetency towards a particular task (Baumeister, 2007).

Self-esteem has an impact upon motivation and academic achievement research has shown these effects through various avenues (Vohs, 2006). These different attitudes would include the self-worth theory, ego orientation, and self enhancement theory. They demonstrate how self esteem can be highly influenced by how a student sees themselves academically and with their peers. It demonstrates that the students will protect how they are viewed by their peers and their status within the school community. They do this to protect the image they have built through their academic neglect and behavior outbursts. The at risk students whole person is built upon the academic short comings and the motivation to do what they want not what the teacher wants them to do (Wagner, 2006).

When an individual has self motivation, the task becomes very easy for him or her irrespective of task difficulty. An individual can set his personal goals of life to become a successful person and how he is going to achieve this target. Similarly, individuals can set their goals in a class room. They may challenge them to beat their colleagues in terms of class performance and learning. It will keep them motivated towards their work and towards their goal. They will not only study hard, but will also try to participate in the class room, but will also try to give their extra effort to achieve their set target of becoming a top student of the class (Dweck, 1999).


Motivation is very important when you are trying to achieve any goals of life. When an individual is motivated towards achieving a goal of life, his performance improves significantly. It is due to self motivation it is said to set personal goals in your life, so you are motivated towards the target and work harder towards that goal. It can help turn things around if one is feeling down and weak (Covington, 1984). In order to achieve a high level of motivation, individuals must remind themselves about their goals every day, so they work for their achievement of target each day. They must constantly remind themselves about their purpose of studying in the class room and all the goals and objectives they have set for themselves. When one keeps a track of the progress daily, individual analyzes ...
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