Movie “shawshank Redemption”

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Movie “Shawshank Redemption”

Movie “Shawshank Redemption”


The paper is designed to sketch the plot of the movie “Shawshank Redemption” which is a story of a convict and the treatment in prisons. In this paper, I will be focusing over the importance of characters and their behavior in the prison and the treatment of corrections towards them. Shawshank Redemption is an American drama film 1994 which was directed and written by Frank Darabont and starring Morgan Freeman and Tim Robbins. The movie is about the life in incarceration and the corruption under the boundaries of Shawshank prison in which the protagonists Andy Dufresne becomes convicted. The leading role has the key spirit throughout the movie for delivering his skills and planning in different plotting.

Discussion Analysis

Summary of the Movie

In the year of 1947, a banker in Maine, Andy Dufresne (Tim Robbins) is convicted for the murder of his wife and her beloved. Andy sent to the cruel Shawshank Prison for his sin's punishment. He always calls himself innocent but his weird and cold behavior lead him to many doubts. In his first night of prison, Byron Hadley (Clancy Brown) the chief guard barbarically hits a newly came inmate due to his hysterics and cries. Later on, the inmate dies in the prison's hospital as the doctor left earlier that night. This happening makes Andy self-possessed and steadfast. Later after a month, Andy approach Red, who is another convict of that prison and runs a black market in the premises of Shawshank. The relationship between Red and Andy was cordial as rest of the prisoners considers Andy as a cold fish. Red conceives that Andy wants hammer for engineering his flee in the future but when he came to know that tool is quite small, Red kept it aside. Meanwhile Andy gets into the work and during his job; he overhears Hadly complaining about the taxes payment for an upcoming property (Fiddler, 2007). On that time phase, he used his banking expertise and he defines Hadley how he could save his money from IRS. But he put a condition that he would assist Hadley in exchange of cold beers for his inmates. It is remarked by Red that Andy might having the privilege for gaining favor with the guards of prison, but on some places he also feels that Andy does it for feeling free.

Warden Samuel Norton (Bob Gunton) comes to know that Andy assisted Hadley and he utilizes a surprise cell inspection for knowing about Andy's work. Later on, he meets with Andy and asks him to work with Brooks Hatlen (James Whitmore) an aging inmate in the library of prison. Andy is now assigned with new task of where he will set a desk to facilitate other guards with financial advises and income tax returns. From this time, Andy starts taking interest in prison library and started writing letter and other financial details. Gradually, he becomes a financial advisor as other guards of different prisons used to come for seeking his ...
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