Niels Bolbrinker: Flooding

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Niels Bolbrinker: Flooding

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A documentary is a term used in the field of audiovisual productions and is a record of a scientific, educational, informative or historical that does not dramatize the facts. Moreover, the Documentary Film and Television, is characterized by not having much control over the images displayed, or the existence of a default argument. Thus, these realities show as objectively as possible, even if it is necessary to use storytelling, music and some effects to tell a story showing the pictures. Within this branch of the documentary, there are two types: one in which those who capture the images that have a participatory role, as witnesses and protagonists of the captured, otherwise, in which one only captures reality without the cameras being displayed.

The documentary is a film genre that deals with actual events. Unlike the movie, this is usually done without paid performers. There are a wide range of different types of documentary, which extends from the attempt to create very pure documentaries. Another step is the enactment of scenes that would have so held, or partially, so have also taken place.

The first "moving pictures" were by definition documentary: individual attitudes, the moments of the life on film banished (the train entering the station, that docks with boat, the workers leaving the factory). In early films, late 19th Century still dominated the representation of events. It was mainly due to technical limitations that hardly told stories. The big cameras only had room for little footage.

In 1922, a documentary was produced by Robert J. Flaherty, which was the first feature-length documentary film with the name of “Nanook of the North”. The actors, though not an actor "playing" the act for the camera. The construction of the igloo for interior shots without a roof was designed to ...
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