Nursing Management

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Nursing Management


In this study we try to explore the concept of “Nursing Management” in a holistic context. The main focus of the research is on “Nursing Management” and its relation with “Leadership”. The research also analyzes many aspects of “Nursing Management” and tries to gauge its effect on “Leadership”. Finally the research describes various factors which are responsible for “Nursing Management” and tries to describe the overall effect of “Nursing Management” on “Leadership”.

Table of Contents


Nursing Management1

Nursing Care Management and the Environment2

Interdisciplinary Leadership3

Budget Process4


Nursing Management


The management of nursing services becomes increasingly difficult under the speed of transformations, outdated technology, service delivery processes, and the institutional and managerial dimensions. Nursing management is a social process that involves the responsibility of the best use of resources to an end, i.e., manages to lead human beings to predetermined targets, with the nurses in any health facility or service responsible for the proper integration of human, material, economic and financial, and to achieve a goal of optimal care (Bass, 2007).

Nursing Management

It's often recognized that the primary role of Nursing Management or Manager is to plan, organize, direct and control financial resources, human and material with the intent to effectively fulfill the goals of the institution. The nurse who performs the role of manager should guide their activities from the knowledge that provides administrative sciences, economics and politics. The theories and principles of these disciplines are necessary for the administrative practice of nursing care. However, the nurse in charge of management should consider the values, attitudes and knowledge of the discipline that give a different care management. So it should have a comprehensive leadership that encourages internal users (nurses) to improve care.

The role of the nurse responsible for care management is to support staff that provides care. Care management is aimed at achieving its intended nursing practice, knowledge management as a process used to creativity, inquiry and transformation in this regard it is considered heuristic. The contribution of the head nurse responsible for nursing management is unique, represents a necessary action to ensure health services humanized and quality in a context of optimal utilization of available resources. In this way, the nurses responsible for the management of care face significant challenges pursue their activities in an environment characterized by multiple problems and obstacles and within the alternatives with a management approach for ensuring the quality of care to the person living experiences of health (Conger & Kananga, 2006).

Nursing Care Management and the Environment

As mentioned above, administration of nursing care requires knowledge of the multiple factors of the environment, which places the action of management and those who provide care. There is no doubt that with the changes in health organization, and more recently with the reform processes in the sector, health institutions have become more complex. Financial constraints, the shortage of nurses, supplies for health care, high costs, conditions of practice, excessive regulations, legislation, the demands of users with more education and information, and demographic changes epidemiological and health, today characterized the environment in ...
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