Oswald Assassinated Kennedy

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Oswald Assassinated Kennedy

Why did Lee Harvey Oswald kill the JFK the President?


The paper discusses the reasons by Lee Harvey Oswald for the murder of John F. Kennedy. The paper also focuses on the idea that Oswald was a 'lone nut' in this murder case. The aim of Oswald was to die for a cause which can be anything. In his mid-teens, Oswald was a communist sympathizer. According to Warren Commission, Oswald was acting alone. The theory of John F. Kennedy killings prove that all three fire shots were done only by one person. All the evidences and behavior of Oswald indicate that Oswald acted alone and killed Kennedy. Oswald was killed by Jack Ruby and therefore, the real motive of his reasoning behind Kennedy's assassination left unknown (Ziegler, 2007).

The assassination of President John Fitzgerald Kennedy , thirty-fifth President of the United States , took place on Friday 22 November 1963 in Dallas , in Texas at 12 30 pm (Central Standard Time). After the presidential motorcade had crossed at low speeds the center of the city and as the presidential car, top down, passed on Dealey Plaza, John F. Kennedy was fatally shot by a firearm. It is the fourth president of the United States to be the victim of a murder and the eighth to die in office.

An honest review of events leading to a deduction rather clear it is difficult to exclude from the facts of the Oswald Lee November 22, 1963. If me frame is, it was a masterpiece, because being able to tie an unsuspecting Oswald to the assassination of JFK in a way so profound it's really amazing. Out the prospect should be changed: in fact It is essential to establish whether or not Oswald was me culprit, or at least not as much as determining whether someone has conspired to kill JFK. Too many things have been said to be able to take a position without reservation. A first scenario is mat of Oswald mentally disturbed, frustrated and violent the bottom of the nose the presidential motorcade and he decides to become ramous for eternity, killing Kennedy. It leads to working out his shotgun, tires 3 shots through the window and with only two bullets to kill me President and manages to wound Connally. Exit the store, goes home, takes his gun, he met the agent who asks Tippit documents and also kill him, takes refuge in me Texas Theatre and was arrested there on me recommendation or the merchant John Brewer, his suspicions aroused by the stealthy for walking me Jefferson Avenue.

The elements in favor of Oswald guilty were many: me gun, the gun, me presence in me store, the purchase of two weapons and possession of me same, safe source of at least one shot from the sixth floor of the deposit and the Carcano in Oswald Discussed Is me existence of other projectiles, in which case you should admit the plot. Unfortunately there is no firm evidence of the presence ...
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