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The author of the play “Othello” is William Shakespeare, he was born in 1564. His substantial, includes many plays tragedies, like Hamlet, Othello, Romeo and Juliet or Macbeth lighter comedies like The Dream of a Summer Night, As You like It, The Merchant of Venice or Much ado about nothing, historical pieces, like Richard III and the Sonnets and other poems (Shakespeare, 2009).

William Shakespeare's Othello is the perfect example of a romantic tragedy. It tells a story in which reality brings the play to its tragic end against events which involve the themes of greed, jealousy, revenge and appearance. The technique of foreshadowing is used by Shakespeare in order to help the reader foresee the misfortunes that will befall the characters


Major Characters Analysis

Othello is the tragedy of a man manipulated. There is the blackness of Iago, in the heart steeped in bitterness and Machiavellian intentions; character aware of his perfidy becomes mirror to our darkest intentions. There are those who are his pawns in his plan and trying too late to quit the dreaded web he weaves. Othello, with all the luck in the beginning of the play: love, fame, success warrior Othello, which already has its flaw: it is a Moor, a Black, and therefore subject to suspicion and racism. He must now, therefore the beginning, prove the honesty of his love for the beautiful Desdemona, prove it has given him willingly, and he has not forced. In addition, Iago, eager for revenge, will use this crack. Through his skillful manipulation, he managed to bring the torment Othello. Moreover, here is the beautiful Othello so proud plunging into doubt and anger. (Thomas, p.9)

The character “Othello” by William Shakespeare is a unique character in Shakespeare's plays in that it does not seem to take full responsibility ...
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