Over Eater Anonymous

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Over Eater Anonymous

Over Eater Anonymous


This paper discusses the disorder of over eating. The major focus of this paper is on the Overeating Anonymous program. People who suffer from compulsive eating disorder become the members of over eater anonymous program.


Over eaters Anonymous offer recovery programs from the compulsive eating disorder by employing the twelve steps of over eater Anonymous. In these programs, meetings are conducted all over the world where such tools are included that provide strength, experience and hope. In addition to this, all the members of over eater Anonymous help and respect each other. OA is basically not about maintaining the weight, weight gain or weight loss, diet plans or obesity. The program focuses the emotional, physical and spiritual well being. Further, this program does not particularly promote any specific diet (oa.org, n.d). According to the Institute of Psychiatry, out of five people, one person is suffering from eating disorder and out of five eating disordered people, three are compulsive over eaters. The factors that trigger this disorder include stress, heredity of obese parents and poor eating habits.

Anorexia and bulimia are psychological and biological background doubt. However, other external factors such as the media and friends, may favor the development of these disorders in adolescents. Unlike bulimia, binge eaters in compensatory behaviors do not occur, ie, actions that counteract the effects of excess food such as vomiting, abuse of laxatives or diuretics, exercising, etc.. However, some people may have bulimia and compulsive eaters.

Between love and rejection

The mother of one of the members of OA led a life of constant dieting, and her grandmother was the same, but also was addicted to laxatives and diuretics. "After five years I started to notice I had a great compulsive overeating," says his daughter, who is now a professional and ...