Over Population In India

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Over Population in India

Over Population in India


In the modern era, of rapid population growth exerts an increasing influence on the lives of both individual states and the international relations in general. Population is responsible for the development of almost all the global problems of mankind. Due to the avalanche of population growth on the planet for humanity appear more and more problems (Asher, 2008). Nevertheless, the UN estimates that, by 2015, the world will live about 8 billion people. All of them are going to need water, food, air, energy, and place under the sun, but the planet would no longer be able provide these facilities to everyone.

To provide people with everything you need built factories, mined minerals, forests are cut down. This causes great damage to nature, and correcting errors of man are difficult or impossible. This can lead to a global environmental catastrophe. For example, in the last 50 years on Earth, men have destroyed more than half of the rain forest. As a result, hundreds of species of animals and plants have disappeared. The importance and significance of the population problem is recognized by all states. I chose this topic (issue of over population in India) for my essay because I think this is the main problem and issue on which global demands and the rest of the problems of a country are depended. The purpose of the essay is to consider the present population situation in the world and as a global problem, the overpopulation issue in India, as well as the role of individual states and the world community in tackling the overpopulation problem.

Population Issue in the World

In 1988, the U.S. National Geographic Society has published a map of the world called "Earth is in danger." Danger number one on this map is the pressure of population. The fact is that since the mid XX century is unprecedented in human history the growth of world population. Thus, the world's population has increased every day; in 1992 there were 254 thousand people. Less than 13 thousand of that number accounted by industrialized countries, the remaining 241,000 was from developing countries. 60% of this total came from Asia, 20% - in Africa and 10% in Latin America (Sripati, 2008). In addition, the rapid population growth accompanied by its own specific problems, one of which is a change in its age structure: the proportion of children under 15 years in the past three decades has increased in most developing countries to 40-50% of their population. Reducing the population growth rate depends on many factors. Such factors include the provision of adequate quality of housing, full employment, free access to education and health care.

Population issue in India

India is one of the most densely populated countries in the world: the proportion of an area of 2.4% of the world's land, its share of the population is 16%. Over the past 100 years, the population density in the country increased by 4.2 times. Most Indians tribal peoples have Caucasian features ...
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