Passive And Interactive Technology

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Passive and Interactive Technology

Passive and Interactive Technology

Humphreys, L. (2011). Who's Watching Whom? A Study of Interactive Technology and Surveillance.Journal Of Communication, 61(4), 575-595., retrieved from: doi:10.1111/j.1460-2466.2011.01570.x

This paper explores the issue of surveillance and privacy with the innovative interactive technologies. The study is base on the extended field and projects that how people have think about the issues related with privacy while they engaged with social network. The author use the data from Dodge ball case study to explore that most of the information does not concern much about the issues related with privacy while they using social network because according to they have much control over their personal information. According to researcher, there are three kinds of surveillance present in our daily life which involves voluntary panopticon voluntary people based on the customer society where information technology allow the de centered surveillance consumptive performance. These people are more willing to contribute in such type of monitor because people consider that it will give advantage to them. Lateral surveillance is the non transparent monitoring citizen of by an additional citizen through its behavior by using non reciprocal approach. Self surveillance is the way that people record themselves such as technological videos, camera phones and cameras allow people to capture other people lives. The study was relates to shed of everyday conceptions, activities, meaning by means of surveillance privacy technologies.

Norris, Clive, The Intensification and Bifurcation of Surveillance in British Criminal Justice Policy, European Journal on Criminal Policy & Research; 2007, Vol. 13 Issue 1/2, p139-158, retrieved from 10.1007/s10610-006-9032-1

The researcher Norris explores applicability and relevance of the theoretical development in the surveillance studies with the background of British criminal policy of justice. In his study, he was argued that the surveillance occupies privilege position in the official policy. Initiatives of new policy undertake either ...
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