Phytoremediation by

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Background of Study

Through this study the researcher aims at highlighting the use of phytoremediation in order to clean up the environment. The concept of phytoremediation is still considered to be a relatively new one, the researcher's goal is to present the readers with an understanding regarding the concept and how it can help in improving the condition of the environment. Phytoremediation can be defined as follows “phytomediation is the use of green plants and similar microorganisms in order to reduce the contamination in soils, sediments, water surface and ground water. Phytomediation was first tested in the 1990's many waste lands have been tested across the nation in order to understand the dependability of phytoremediation. Since the process is a natural one it increases its chances of being more successful. The plant species used in the process are carefully selected based on their ability to degrade or extract contaminants, their tendency to adapt to local climates, compatibility with varying soils and ease of planting and maintenance (EPA, 2012, p.1).

Statement of Problem

Based on a report published by USEPA (1997, p.3) there are approximately half a million waste sites throughout the United States. Most of these sites are in dire need of phytoremediation. Some of the waste materials located in these waste lands are extremely hazardous and include elements like Zinc, Mercury, Lead, Copper and Chromium. Amongst these lead and mercury pose a serious threat to the health of people. According to the World Health organization each year a total of 10,000 tons of mercury is released into the atmosphere from both natural sources and anthropogenic sources. Environmentalists have long since been struggling to increase the occurrence of phytoremediation in order to protect the environment. This study will look into evidence that indicates the implementation of phytoremediation can help the environment in actuality.

Aims and Objectives of this study

The primary aim of this research study is to gather evidence that indicate the effectiveness of phytoremediation for the purpose of eradicating waste sites situated within the country. Some of the major objectives that this study will focus upon are:

Provide sound evidence which can be used by the readers in order to understand the concept under study.

Serve as a guide for future researchers.

Gain better insight regarding various phytoremediation processes.

Present case studies that highlight successful implementation of phytoremediation.

Significance of this study

The concept of phytoremediation is similar in nature to the biological remediation process however phytoremediation has countless more benefits than any other method employed. Since plants are naturally present they do not require any external support and hence rely upon themselves to clean the waste sites. The process not only decontaminates pollutants it also ensures that the pollutants are not scattered from one place to another. The benefits of adopting phytoremediation are countless and can easily be implemented; they are cost effective and also relatively easier to perform. Through this study the researcher will provide the readers with an understanding regarding the concept of phytoremediation. This study is significant since it aims at bringing before the ...
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