Policemen Criminal Psychology By Law

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Policemen Criminal Psychology by law

Policemen Criminal Psychology by law


The international law criminalizes physical torture and mental torture. The principle aim of this research is to identify the need of law against psychological torture from policemen, in Kuwait. The research begins with the analysis of the U.S laws against psychological torture, and based on these laws the research provides solutions for the country of Kuwait.

Current Event/News


In present years, the media has referred to various cases of individuals tortured by Kuwaiti police officers. For instance large number of Egyptian individuals are concerned, taking in Alaa Ahmed Al-Sayed Muhamad- he had been living in the country of Kuwait for more than four years, he was put under torture for having raped and murdered a young girl whose body was not been found. He also detained to having raped having raped 17 other girls. In the year 2010, police arrested him and put him under serious torture, including torture through electricity, after torture when he was presented to psychologist, he found to have psychological instability.

In the year 2007, the media reported the cases of various torture victims, including two Egyptian nationals who were arrested on July 24th for having an inaccurate work permit, these individuals were tortured by a police officer. One of these individuals described how they were beaten and burnt with hot water. The police officers did not want to release those individuals when this became evident that the blame against them was not right because of the marks of torture on their bodies. This was declared by authorities that it was a single case which could be authorized.

In the year 2005, more than 26 Saudi and Kuwaiti nationals were interrogated by the police officers of Kuwait, including Mr. Al-Anzi. Eight of them were put on trial for having planned attacks of terrorism or refusing to give information regarding planned terrorist attacks.

In the year 2005, the Kuwaiti police officers announced the death of Mr Al-Anzi because of the low blood pressure during torture.

The arrest is the result of a three-week city police investigation into accusations that Mr. Lellock, whom the district disciplined more than a decade ago, abused students at Arthur J. Rooney Middle School on the North Side. Allegheny County District Attorney Stephen A. Zappala Jr. has raised questions in light of the police probe about whether school officials properly handled and reported the students' accusations. "Some of these circumstances in this case, which date back to 1998, are very troubling.

Police are required to record use of force incidents every time an officer draws points or shoots a gun, uses pepper spray, a baton or a Taser, a police dog bites or injures someone, or an officer strikes someone.

The only person shot by police - 19-year-old Andreas Chinnery - was fatally shot in his apartment Feb. 2, 2011. The Special Investigations Unit cleared police of wrongdoing because Chinnery was wielding a bat. There were four K9 unit bites or other physical incidents, and 21 incidents where an ...
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