Politeness Strategies Examination

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Politeness Strategies Examination

Politeness Strategies Examination


The notion of discourse implies a way of conceiving of the resulting language influences of various currents of human sciences often gathered under the label of linguistic pragmatics. More than a doctrine, constitutes a certain pragmatic way of apprehending verbal communication which includes in its theoretical scope rules existing organization in a particular social group, the rules relating to the plan text (The speech genres), the inter-activity between the interlocutors of verbal exchange, the rules governing speech, the assumption that the subject stands as a source of references personal, all this (and more) considered a universe of other discourses, in place which discourse must find their way.

In our research on verbal interaction will in different contexts of interaction face-to-face, has become crucial to foster reflections on the material conditions of production and pragmatic value of statements shown by the enunciator to the recipient. This act put into the speech utterance, depends on the behavior of the recipient relation to the statement and, therefore, must mobilize pragmatic rules to interpret statement, which will be a kind of relationship between them. From here the question arises: if the knowledge of the language is far from enough to interpret an utterance, being necessary to resort to procedures linked pragmatic context, what then is the contribution of meaning obtained by pragmatic procedures, or contextual? There are the conventions tactics for activity verbal mutually known knowledge and not unconscious as syntax and morphology of the linguistic system. We are referring to the "laws of discourse" (Grice, 1960) which are standards to be observed by participants in an act of verbal communication they have, as the higher law "principle of cooperation", called By Charaudeau (1983) of "communication contract".

The principle of cooperation, the foundation of the laws of speech, comprising the law of appropriateness (adequacy to the context), the law of sincerity (the engagement of the enunciator the speech act), the law of informativeness (so the recipient can infer implied), the law of completeness (the enunciator should give maximum information considering the situation), the laws of the sport (which prescribe the clarity and economy statement) and, as verbal communication is a social relation, the law of conservation of faces submitting the communication rules of politeness. In this article, based on the theory of politeness developed by researchers integrated theory called the "faces" of the sociologist a researcher intend to show how certain social-interactional strategies for the preservation of the faces Allied to Speech ive politeness strategies can help to avoid failure in socio-cultural interactions in certain spheres of communication Discussion

The intercultural has been part of the business world since the Second World War and is characterized by the integration and exchange between different cultures, generating a continuous flow of information, ideas and people. This encounter with the different and the differences became an important competency for professionals can deal with people from different cultures. Diplomats and businessmen benefit heavily if they are trained for this "culture of ...
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