Portuguese Literature

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Portuguese Literature

Lucio”s confession

This confession is the confession of a Portuguese writer who goes to Paris and all the rich Portuguese artists. Moving into the circle of wealthy Portuguese, writers and emptiness just taking up the body becomes as real. Lucio is the subject of a strange confession, which thinks reveal the truth about the murder he committed on the person of his friend Ricardo de Loureiro. Lucio who has served time in prison, only upon release, decides to confess the strange circumstances of the crime, warning in advance of his character, but unlikely, totally awesome.

Sensuality is masterfully treated for two reasons. One, because imagine truly passionate scenarios. Two, because it works as a feeling so sickly seeks to fill the void and that it does is intensifying. So is the vacuum itself which acts as an element that mobilizes to death is murder or suicide. Sensuality has treated women as a centre. She is the generator of this feeling and having the capacity to somehow dazzle man. However, it is speaking of homosexuality and in a very open for its time. You are talking about a time when homosexuality was living in the occult. And in the book, it is not as a trend but as sexual innate logical development of an intellectual friendship. They are men who cannot have romantic relationships with women because they cannot go beyond the “tenderness”, and this impossibility comes continuous attenuates with the pervasiveness of a knowledgeable friend.

Wealth is also a pervasive element in celebrations, houses, clothes and travel. However, the experience of all those material objects, characters jump to absolute aesthetic abstraction so that all men and women who make up the “humanity” disappear, has no existence. The ivory tower is a stifling, space that can only lead to suicide.

Any intellectual can lose the reference to humanity or to the real world because the concepts can be ahead of the experience. However, any rich can lose also because no distance between himself and objects. The two are well told in this book, where the protagonist does not even take reality principle in jail, where they fend for him a festive treat, always with aesthetics as a guide. Sa-Carneiro, as you can easily guess from its name, is a Portuguese author. Y committed suicide in Paris in 1916, what was then 26 years old (Michels, 2012). Y left a few feet modern poetry. Personally, I had never heard of before reading pui Confession Lúcio.

At a party in Paris, in strange American causes where his friend Gervasio Vila Nova, he met Ricardo and his wife Marta. Ricardo friend, lover Marta Lucio loses himself in a violent passion. “Throughout his tenure, now it was as if in monstrous kisses, I had also everybody who passed on his own”. The mysterious disappearance of Ricardo and Marta will conclude crime of passion, but Marta and Ricardo have another life that they fantasy?

It takes place in Paris in the late nineteenth century because in time, Paris was cool. Lucio, poet, ...