Post Wwii Occupation

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Post WWII Occupation


As a result of Japan's defeat in World War II, the country was established by the American occupation regime. Originality in the occupation of postwar Japanese history lay in the fact that although the supreme power in the state was in the hands of the American occupation army and its commanders, speaking on behalf of the Allied Powers, the United States does not exercise this power directly, but through the Japanese government.

Fundamentals of Allied postwar policy toward Japan identified the Potsdam Declaration of July 26, 1945 It was the need to eliminate all of militarism in Japan, to remove obstacles to the revival and strengthening of democratic tendencies in the Japanese people, to establish freedom of speech, religion and thought, respect basic human rights. On the basis of the Potsdam Declaration occupation authorities issued a number of directives on the democratization and demilitarization of Japan.


United States as the main occupying power had to, at least, in the early postwar years, stick to the basic provisions of the Potsdam Declaration, but pretty soon it became clear that the real objectives of U.S. imperialism toward Japan differ widely from the line, as defined in this document. However, the U.S. occupation authorities had to reckon with the will of the people of Japan, strongly demanding the implementation of democratic reforms, of a truly peaceful policy, opposed the retraction of the country into new military adventures.

In the first period of the occupation of the U.S. issued a series of directives on the demilitarization and democratization of Japan in accordance with the Potsdam Declaration and the decisions of the Far Eastern Commission. For example, the cleaning was carried out in the administration, business, education, the result of which was dismissed 200 thousand. In addition, Tokyo has been approved war crimes tribunal. During the trial, 28 were convicted war criminals. As well, a number of important reforms, the most important of which were the new constitution to embody the principles of the sovereign power of the people and have legislated peaceful foreign policy.

All functions of Japan's foreign policy in the hands of the occupation authorities, or could only be through them. Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan, although there was, however, no independent role in the occupation did not play. All his foreign policy functions is to maintain the relationship between the government and the headquarters of the occupation forces. Immediately after the surrender of Japan, the United States have taken a number of measures to mitigate the limitations of the bourgeois-democratic rights and political activities. It was officially announced the dissolution of ultranationalist societies, secret right-wing organizations. Japanese society as a whole rather calmly accepted the reforms, including the introduction of a new constitution, which is the foundation of political and legal reforms of the postwar years and the moral basis of the legal existence of the state.

As a result of this act of Japan was occupied by the ...