Predictive Policing

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Predictive Policing

Predictive Policing


The discussion focuses on the use of an integrated Information System COMPSTAT by the Police department in order to better do their activities partaking to crimes and keeping track of the criminals. The discussion will be looking into the application of Information Technology in improving the overall performance of the police staff, the functions of the COMPSTAT, the way it responds to crimes and the SWOT analysis of this system.

World today is experiencing a significant revaluation in technology, the essential part of which is IT. Information Technology has made many aspects of life simpler, (Davis, 1989). Innovative and new technologies have significantly changed our attitudes and the way we think or perceive things. It is because of information technology that the world now is a small village, due to the availability of various communication channels around the world. Information transfers data and information at a much faster pace, unlike the traditional communication means. It transfers information at a cost that is lower than that of the traditional modes of transfers. It also has flexibility in data management, (Taylor, 1995). There is an increasing trend of investing in Information Technology by various organizations, showing how essential Information Technology is in the lifestyles of the people. Among various organizations, Police departments make use of the information technology, as they have a very high rate of information usage. The use of this system is very essential for police agencies when it comes to the negative effects from wrong implementations. Therefore, many police departments provide information technology for the purpose of supporting their officers. Many believe that information is very crucial to the police. They believe that information is the backbone for all the police activities.

Application of IT for improving Performance

Information Technology regarding the predictive policy focuses mainly on five elements, such as; looking at the large picture, integrated operations and information, latest technology and analysis, linkage to performance and agility to change. Technology implements these in various ways. It uses it for the purpose of resource allocation, patrol staffing, location of a crime and identifying those individuals who are likely to commit crime. In a world where technology evolves and develops at a faster pace, there is no denial that the Police will be using technology to be placed in a better position for doing the job.

Integrated operations and information makes accessing to the information a lot easier. It focuses on the management, development and operation of the integrated infrastructure of information. One of the many short comings of various businesses is to have information unshared with other departments. The police department has many databases for maintenance. Information must be cross functional and connected to the analytical systems of the Police department. Since this was not the practice, the Police department suffered a big breakdown of communication. Loop holes in sharing data across the departments can cause ineffective investigation and analysis. It is therefore important for the Police to have integrated systems for situational ...