President Franklin D. Roosevelt As A Liberal And President Herbert C. Hoover As A Conservative

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President Franklin D. Roosevelt as a liberal and President Herbert C. Hoover as a conservative


The New Deal was one of President Franklin Delano Roosevelt in response to the global economic crisis durchgesetztes package of economic and social reforms. It represents a major upheaval in the political, social and economic history of the United States dar. The numerous measures have been divided by historians for their respective thrust into those that should alleviate the short-term emergency (relief), in measures which should stimulate the economy again (recovery) and long-term measures (reform). Among the relief aid fell for the many unemployed and poor, among other things, recovery under the change in monetary policy and reform, for example, the regulation of financial markets and the introduction of social insurance (Hoover).

After the Armistice, Hoover, a member of the Supreme Economic Council and director of the Administration of U.S. aid, organized shipments of food destined for starving millions in central Europe. He extends this support to Bolshevik Russia hit by famine in 1921. When a critic asked if this is not helping Bolshevism, Hoover replied, "Twenty million people are starving, whatever their political affiliation, they will be fed!" Hoover is an effective Minister for Trade (1921-1923 and 1923-1928) in the government of Presidents Warren G. Harding and Calvin Coolidge, and after leading the emergency response to flooding of the Mississippi in 1927,


The most outstanding of this period, known as New Deal, was the determination that the President departed from the economic liberalism that advise keeping the state regardless of the economy, beginning a determined, multilateral and decisive state intervention period. The modern American liberalism, or simply American liberalism is a political philosophy which seeks the greatest possible individual freedom. It is based on the belief that people seek happiness in many ways and they have the ...
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