Prevalence Of Obesity In Usa

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Prevalence of Obesity in USA

Executive Summary

Ozone Layer is the layer that covers the outer surface of our planet Earth and in order to protect it from the harmful effects of sunlight, it is necessary that the ozone layer keep surrounding the Earth in the stratosphere. However the use of substances like CFC's are damaging the ozone layer surrounding our planet Earth and are thus causing holes in it. These issues are now being taken care of in order to provide the mankind with a safe place to live which is free of diseases like skin cancer, eye problems, biological disorders etc.

The Process

Ozone like other gases is found in the air with a ration of 1:1,000,000 it is so because the excess of Ozone in the air can cause irritation in Lungs and can cause cancer, it is a form of oxygen with an addition molecule of oxygen attached which makes it highly reactive.

Ozone is formed by a process of photo dissociation, the oxygen atoms that are formed during this process of photo dissociation quickly merge with any other stable oxygen atom thus forming an ozone molecule. The heat that is radiated during this process of ozone formation keeps the atmosphere warm.

The quick reaction with other gases of oxygen molecules has been the major cause of ozone depletion as the molecules of oxygen present in Oxygen quickly combine after dissociation with other molecules to form other gases.

The major cause of this process of Ozone laye depletion is the use of CFC's which are the gases that are used in body spratys and refrigerators for cooling purposs. Due to the reactive nature of these gases they react quickly with the spared oxygen molecule that is excluded from the molecule of ozone due to the absorption of the harmful radiations from the sun. ...
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