Psychological Report

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Psychological Report

Patricia Parker

Psychological Report

Examinee Profile

Name: Lucio Estralla

Date of examination: 2/19/2013

Birth 05/19/1957

Report 02/19/2013

Chronological Age: 52 years old

Examiner: Patricia Parker

Level of Education: B.A. Engineering

Reasons for Examination

Lucio Estralla came for an examination because he is depressed. He states that his depression is because of money issues. These troubles have extended its negative impact on his relationship, with wife and children. Lucio always feels agitated and moody. He feels lazy and without energy. In this state, Lucio remains angry. He projects his anger on minutest of issues and this is bringing about problems in his immediate and peripheral relationships, most notably with his wife. Moreover, Lucio complains of disruption in his sleeping habits. He is not sleeping well and is stressed because he is not able to make his mortgage payments.

Tests Administered with Date

MMPI 2 - A test designed to measure examinee's psychopathology

NEO-PIR - A test designed to examine patient's personality

Rorschach Assessment - A projective personality assessment. It accesses examinee's motivations, needs, conflicts and thought processes

Mental State Examination and Behavioral Observation (2/19/13)

Sources of Data

MMPI 2 Assessment 2-20-13

NEO-PIR Assessment 2-20-13

Rorschach Assessment - 2/19/2013

Mental Status Examination and Behavioral Observation - 2/19/2013

Assessment Interview - 2/19/2013

Background Information

Lucio, is a Hispanic male, aged 55 years. He is one of six siblings. Lucio is of average height and weight. He lives with his wife and his two children. Both children are going to community college and living with parents. Lucio worked as an elevator operator, though he has been laid off. Lucio has many friends, love spending time with wife and children and likes playing video games with his kids. Mental illnesses, including depression, have been a part of his paternal family history.

Behavioral Observations

Lucio Estralla is of average weight and height;

Lucio is talkative;

Average Intelligence observed;

Memory is intact and judgment is good;

Talks negatively about his life

Inappropriateness in affection noticed. Non synchronization between verbal and non-verbal cues.

Assessment Results

MMP1 2 Assessment

Results indicate that Lucio is hidings his true feelings. Lucio is forcefully working on being impressive and accepted by others. He appears defensive and rigid, with regards to self-concept.

NEO-PIR Assessment

Lucio scored 68/86. Groth-Marnot (2009) argues that this score is indicative of personality that is anxious, suspicious, abrupt and distrustful. Lucio scored 78/87 in NF. This confirms feelings of anxiety and anxiousness by the examinee. Finally, Lucio's NI scores also reveal his quotient of anxiety.

Rorschach Assessment

Lucio's profile is valid and reliable, and his responses normal. Assessment indicated, a cluster score on Ego <.31 or >.44. This shows engulfing feelings of self worthiness and also suicidal tendencies (Groth-Marnat, 2009). Lucio's personality indicates his needs for acceptance from people. Lucio can sometimes become disillusioned with reality; this is explained by score of Zd > 3.5. Lucio is vulnerable from stress and does not have fitting coping mechanisms for it. He projects his stress verbally. Lucio has intense emotions that can be uncontrollable at times. Feelings of dejection and disapproval are quite common in people with Lucio's scores in the cluster of X+%<.70.

RIAP Interpretive report (2001) provides a measure of examinee's ...
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