P.T.S.D Disorder

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P.T.S.D Disorder

P.T.S.D Disorder

P.T.S.D Disorder


PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) is an intense anxiety disorder, which could occur subsequent to an exposure to all events, which ensue in psychological trauma (Brunet, Akerib & Birmes, 2007). These events might entail the threat of death to someone else or oneself, or to someone else's or one's own psychological, or sexual integrity, overpowering the coping capability of an individual. Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, as a psychological trauma effect is more enduring and less frequent as compared to the much regularly seen acute stress response (also known as post traumatic stress) (Rothschild, 2000). Post Traumatic Stress Disorder's diagnostic symptoms comprise of increased arousal like hyper vigilance, anger, difficulty in staying or falling asleep, avoidance of stimuli linked to the trauma, re-experiencing the actual trauma(s) via nightmares or flashbacks. The formal criteria for diagnosis (both ICD-10 and DSM-IV-TR) necessitate that the symptoms cause considerable impairment within occupational, social, or various significant functioning areas, and last more than thirty days.

Thesis Statement:

In the recent year, the treatment and diagnosis of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder has considerably enhanced.


PTSD is categorized as an anxiety disorder, differentiated through aversive anxiety-related psychological responses, experiences, and behaviors, which build up post an event that is psychologically traumatic (at times months later). The features of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder endure for more than a month that typifies it from the shorter disorders of acute stress and are disturbing to each life-aspect (Kaplan, Sadock & Grebb, 1994). PTSD has three sub-categories delayed-onset, acute and chronic.

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder is supposed for being caused through the experience of any of broad array of incidents that produce intense adverse feelings of horror, fear or helplessness within participant or observer. Such feelings' sources might consist of (although not restricted to):

Getting a life threatening illness's diagnosis;

Employment within professions exposed to disasters (like workers of emergency services) or wars (like military) (Institute of Medicine, 2012);

Witnessing or experiencing medical complications, drug addiction illnesses, accidents, adult experiences of sexual assault, physical assault;

Witnessing or experiencing adult or childhood sexual, physical, or emotional abuse.

Current trends in diagnosis and treatment for PTSD:

For the subject of psychology and psychologists, PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) is an area of specific relevance. Treatment methods, evidence based screening and diagnosis are necessary for ensuring that persons having Post Traumatic Stress Disorder are acknowledged and provided with effectual options of treatment. It has been observed by a number of psychologists and clinicians that the PSTD could be quite intricate to diagnose due to the fact that individuals who experience events that are psychologically traumatic frequently do not wish to discuss their feelings with others. In addition, individuals with the Post Traumatic Stress Disorder might not inquire about treatment for a number of months even years following their appearance of symptoms (Tuerk, Grubaugh, Hamner & Foa, 2009).


Currently, in order to establish psychiatric diagnoses like Post Traumatic Stress Disorder the multi method assessment is the favored method. This is due to the fact that method of individual assessment has restrictions; congregating evidence from various ...
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