Purim Celebrations: The Jewish Holy Day

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Purim Celebrations: The Jewish Holy Day

Purim Celebrations: The Jewish Holy Day


The Jewish holy day's are very scared to the Jewish cultural. The Jewish people are a people of celebration. All year long there are many holy days that the Jewish people love to celebrate. Seven of the major Jewish holy days are Shabbat, Purim, Passover, Yom Kippur, Hanukkah, Rosh Hashanah, and Shavuot. Each holiday has its own customs, presentations, and services that make it different from the other Jewish holidays. Out of these days, Purim is the greatest day of the year. It is not only a day of happiness and gaiety, but it also has within it a tremendous opportunity to come close to Hashem. Purim is celebrated in the twelfth month, Adar, at sundown on the thirteenth day (Sasson, 2005). It is a fun holiday, full of parties, drinking, and other celebratory observances. People give baskets of food to friends and the needy persons, and drink wine with the loved ones.


Purim is the holiday that the Jewish nation was saved from Haman's evil decree of annihilation. This is a Rabbinical holiday as it took place thousands of years after the giving of the Torah. What we may not know is the strong connection between this glorious holiday and the Torah. The Jews say they have arranged a mass massacre of the Persians in these spring days, Jews celebrate one of the most important Jewish holidays, Purim. It is celebrated for two days: 14th and 15th of the month of Adar on the Jewish calendar, the Gregorian calendar, and a holiday does not have a fixed date. Purim, the Jews claimed as "the most cheerful holiday" and is accompanied by masquerades, plays, abundant libations. 

The history of this celebration is rooted in the 5th century BC. It is dedicated reflected in the Old Testament and the events connected with the deliverance of the Jewish community from the destruction of the Persian Empire, when the king's minister Haman planned to destroy the Jewish people. The Jewish Encyclopedia emphasizing that the event is not affiliated with any church, nor with any religious event. Ended the Babylonian captivity of the Jews (Johnston, 2004). But thousands of Jewish families did not wish to return home, while continuing to live in the cities of the Persian Empire, and in a position where the slave does not. This situation eventually began to threaten the national interests of Persia. 

Purim begins with the end of the post holiday prepend Esther. The main part of the celebration, a public reading of the book of Esther. Liturgical scrolls are often decorated. When the reader pronounces the name of Haman, raising the noise present, the children twist the ratchet and the like, thus expressing hatred and contempt for the villain. Purim is a happy holiday, in which to drink wine, in the words of the Babylonian religious teacher Rav, you need to drink as long as man does not cease to distinguish whether he pronounces a curse Haman or blessing Mordecai (although some of the scribes ...
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