Qantas Emirates Alliance

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Alliances for Strategic Management - Qantas and Emirates Airways

Alliances for Strategic Management - Qantas and Emirates Airways

Part One - A Concept/Model in Strategic Management

Globalization not only requires presence in key markets, but also increase productivity, reduce costs, improve product quality, investments in the training of staff and development of new technologies, however, often increase the competitiveness and omnipresence in several markets activities are too costly for most businesses (Barla & Constantatos, 2006). Few of them have the ability to double its value chains in such different places. This makes collaborative activities with other companies have to be taken into consideration, i.e. the use of partnership activities is the way found by businesses not only to survive in the market, but also to increase their competitiveness (Bilotkach, 2011).

The use of partnership activities with the order to undertake production relationships with other firms is no recent activity; innovations of recent times occur in at least four levels. First, collaboration between companies is now considered the first and best option, not seen more as a last alternative available (Clougherty, 2006). The formation of international strategic alliances does not extend, in turn, only to industrialized countries. Several international partnerships have been made between multinational companies and companies in emerging countries or even between firms originating from developing countries (Gritta, Freed & Chow, 2000).

Despite the growing importance of strategic alliances in the intensification of international business competitive today, scientific analysis of this type of partnership has suffered difficulties due to two factors (Kwoka & Shumilkina, 2010). First, there is lack of consistent analytical nature, especially in the area of modeling, i.e. the formulation of models for the establishment and conduct of international strategic alliances. Second, there is serious deficiency in terms of detailed documentation about specific cases of formation and consolidation of international strategic alliances. This deficiency is even more pronounced when considering strategic alliances between companies in industrialized countries and emerging companies (Lamberg, Pajunen, Parvinen & Savage, 2008).

With globalization, the market is more competitive and voracious. Competition creates fierce competition among markets, activities, producers and service providers in the same sector or activity (Myong, Jae & Geddie, 2006). Competition is a contest between individuals of the same product or service in order to garner the largest market share possible. In view of the customer, this dispute is positive because it seeks the lowest possible price and terms available to him. And with more companies entering the market, the competition gets worse and the need arises to make partnerships or strategic alliances to achieve organization remain on the market. (Richard, 2003) The partnership designates forms of cooperation between organizations, indicates that joint action, motivated by the interests, goals and objectives in common, in which each contributes and mobilizes the resources available to achieve these goals. The strategic partnership is with competitors, suppliers, customers are an irreversible trend of modern business management.

The partnership involves skill and talent. Partnering is an effective and efficient way to share risks, reduce costs, raise quality standards and share information ...