Questions And Answers

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Questions and Answers

Questions and Answers


This paper focuses on answering eight questions which are based on the designing of multimedia and technological innovative products. Most of questions are based on the good and bad designing. Three books have been used for answering the questions.


Answer 1: "Design" And "Multimedia"

Design and multimedia are the combination of various branches, encompassing text, photos, videos, sound, and animation, manipulated and dumped in a digital medium. Some of these industries include: Graphic Design, Editorial Design, Web Design, etc. The multimedia quality is not necessarily tied at the computer; it can be taken as a means mixing a multimedia book with a cassette, whose combination is used to create text with background music. A more specific definition of the concept of multimedia is the ability of a computer to display on a monitor or visual media, text and graphics, as well as to produce sound. Its beginning, until about 40 years, computers had not too attractive: features huge, full of wires and metal devices that did not provide good communication with the user (Norman, 2004). It was over time that evolution has made them change their appearance, both inside and out. Computers reduced their size and certain elements have been added to provide a better exchange of information with users. Gradually it has gotten a nicer look and feel. New technologies have supported increased enforcement power not only in the calculation, but in areas like process various types of data, communication and information transfer between remote computers, the plotting, and intelligent reasoning.

Answer 2: Bruce Mau as Comprehensive Designer

Bruce Mau (Canada, 1959) is a comprehensive designer founder of Bruce Mau Design, where he worked in a global context with different organizations of culture, commerce, media and education. Through the design considers changes may occur, as it can be read in his book Massive Change. Mau propagated a dedicated and focused on theoretical and practical research design principle he explains among other things in the 43 guiding principles of his "Incomplete Manifesto for Growth" (1988). Critical to the design for it is not only the temporal and spatial orientation of an object. In his early work it was included cover designs for Zone Books, and the design of the magazine "1/2 zone". In 2001 published a book the "SMLXL ', the Mau has realized together with the architect Rem Koolhaas . Mau was the individual style of Koolhaas' congenial to carry large images (technical drawings, photographs, grainy reproductions and picture sets on renderings and collage), text quotes, essays and diary excerpts (Wittkower, 2008). As a comprehensive designer, that referred to the modern industrial design of the product, just out of form, function, structure or material bionic rarely, more comprehensive form, function, structure, and materials to the design of biomimetic and bionic design, but also in terms of harmony and symbiosis of existential philosophy of nature.

Answer 3: Marxian Distinctions of Capitalists versus the Proletariat

Like any other, this definition - spew from the theory. Marx renders it open understanding of ...
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