Reading Philosophies

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Reading Philosophies

Reading Philosophies


Some of the main shortcomings and difficulties are detected in the middle and upper levels can be attributed to the initial learning of reading. Obviously, the latter failure is necessary to review what is going on that parcel of knowledge that has to do with the early stages of learning, to prevent problems in the future. To do this, we analyze the contributions from broad theoretical approaches educational implications for teaching reading as are the socio-cultural and psycholinguistics, and new technologies as instrumental support of the theory, and the results of investigations that have been generated so far within these contexts and requirements that derived for the practice of teaching reading (Bulgren & Scanlon, 1998).


Constructivism as a pedagogical philosophy

Constructivism is a teaching philosophy, whose key idea is that knowledge cannot be transferred to the student as a finished product. One can only create pedagogical conditions for successful self-construction and self-expansion of students' knowledge. A more common position reflects the constructivism rather simple truth: throughout life, each of us constructs our own understanding of the world. That is why each of us is unique in his vision of the world, their beliefs, and their ideology. That is why we are interested in the original point of view of another person, which is why it is important to be yourself, with your handwriting and style.

Because the philosophy of constructivism is currently in its infancy, it is obvious to expect that different authors have different interpretations leading principles are arranged in different ways the main emphasis. Like any innovation, constructivism has some obvious drawbacks. At this stage of development, it is more a philosophy than a technique or technology training. This explains the weak developed of tools (methods, forms, training aids), which causes some difficulties in implementation. Constructivism - philosophy, focused primarily on the study of humanities. Therefore, transfer it to the learning process natural and mathematical sciences gives rise to problems associated with the specifics of these subjects (one-time importance of knowledge and skills, logic, discipline, rigor in solving problems, proving theorems) (Bailey & Ochsner, 1983). The most zealous opponents see constructivism threat to the entire education system, accusing him of undermining the foundations of the followers of didactics and teaching methods. The main argument of opponents entering into the pedagogy of the element of spontaneity and the doom of the learning process take its course. But, nevertheless, out of all this variety of perspectives can highlight the most common positions.

Goal formation, based on the key position of constructivism: knowledge can not be transferred to the student as a finished product; you can only create pedagogical conditions for successful self-construction and self-expansion of students' knowledge.

The motivation of learning through the inclusion of students in the search, investigation and solution of important problems, especially issues surrounding reality, the solution of which is directly related to the real (ecological, economic, industrial, etc.) the situation of the life of the school, district, city, etc. etc.

Designing learning content based on the generalized concept, ...
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