Renaissance Provides The Foundation For Modern Europe

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Renaissance provides the foundation for Modern Europe

Renaissance provides the foundation for Modern Europe


The Renaissance is a cultural movement that emerged in Italy around 1400. It made the leap from medieval times to the modern age and brings a wealth of cultural transformation, not only in the arts but also the sciences, literature and thought forms. The Renaissance is characterized by the rejection of many of the early medieval knowledge and admiration of ancient Greece and Rome. It seeks to recover classical learning, and seeks a new set of values ??for the individual. With regard to medieval society, in which everything revolved around the idea of God, man becomes the center of the universe during the Renaissance. They considered this reason as a source of knowledge and seeking truth through personal reflection and research.

The essential features are the rediscovery of classical Greek and Roman culture, humanism and anthropocentrism. Renaissance art revolved around the human being, but that does not mean it ceased to be religious, it also involved the Church, and also covered the appearance of new patrons, for example, the rich merchants or the monarchy. With the new sponsorship, art was ceased to perform exclusively religious functions, and new genres and subjects such as portraits, nudes, landscapes or mythological paintings. And churches were also built at various palaces along with town halls, universities, etc.

Renaissance intellectuals, who had been educated in the study of Greco-Roman culture, were called humanists. Humanism is the cultural form that focuses on the study of man from medieval times, whose center was God.

It's called intellectual humanism of the Renaissance movement, which revalues ??the dignity of the human spirit, linking the culture of the time with that of classical antiquity. Humanism is thus the philosophical and literary renaissance. The humanist writer, thinker, which is not limited to the study of theology, as in past centuries, but gives great importance to the study of humanities and especially of the classical languages, Latin and Greek. Numerous works written in ancient and almost forgotten from new points of view. Linguistics progressed extensively, but not limited to humanists a technicality in their studies, but sought in ancient writers confidence in human intelligence and love of nature. The ideas and writings of the humanists were widely spread, thanks to an invention: the printing press.

Humanism had its birthplace in Italy, where the memory of Roman antiquity was very strong, and the Gothic had had little effect. A Latino influence what comes to join the Greek culture since the late fourteenth century and settled in Italy's thinkers Byzantines, the Turks fled. It has demonstrated the importance of Dante, Boccaccio and Petrarca especially as precursors of the Renaissance literary and humanistic spirit again. Based on this act initiating social reality of the time to allow further development of humanism.

The ideas of Aristotle, as estimated by the medieval scholastics, are cornered against a newly discovered Plato. Humanism is extended to other European countries and it is where it comes out of Italy's most impressive figure of ...
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