Reproductive System

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Reproductive System

Reproductive System

Reproductive system is a term used for a group of organs necessary or important to the process of reproduction. The basic units of sexual reproduction are the cells found in male and female germ. This article deals with the organs where they mature and are stored through germ cells of living things, the organs through which germs are transported in the process of designing a new glandular organ.

Forms of Reproduction

Reproductive system is a characteristic of living beings. It is a set of processes or biological mechanisms that allows the formation of one or more individuals. The purpose of reproduction is to restore individuals in a population (Moesch, p. 111). All the mechanisms of production can be grouped into two general forms:

The reproduction asexual

In this kind of reproduction individual is the only one that is divided into two or more individuals, each of them is identical to the parent. The mechanism may include division into pieces or fragments (fragmentation), or a special body called the germinating spore. In some animals, asexual reproduction is the only mechanism to form children, in other cases altered by sexual reproduction.

Sexual reproduction

This type of reproduction is characterized by the involvement of two cells (two people) specialized and value different sexual (one acts as a female, the other as male). The cells are called gametes; they fuse together (fertilization) to form a new cell called the zygote which is the new individual. The gametes as we know are called chromosomes (haploid) and the zygotes. Gametes arise from groups of special cells of the gonads, ovary and testicle (females and males, respectively) for animals. In plants this process is done through ovary and stamens. In some cases the process is involved without being fertilized egg, as parthenogenesis and the new ...
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