Research Critique

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Research Critique

Research Critique

Research problem

Wrong patient surgery is one of the adverse events that involve hospital and medical negligence and have serious outcomes and it must not occur. According to Chassin, it the most serious errors in the field of medicine. Surgery is one field of health care in which avoidable medical errors can occur (Chassin, 2002). In this research the main focus is on WSPESs that include: wrong patient surgery, wrong site surgery and wrong procedure. These are also termed as never events means errors that must not occur and indicate severe underlying problems related to safety. Among these WSPEs, wrong site surgery is of great concern which includes surgery carried out on the wrong side of the human body. The wrong site surgery on the correct recognized patient takes place more often.

The joint commission published the Universal Protocol for Preventing Wrong Procedure, Wrong Site and Wrong Person Surgery. It includes description of theses WSPEs, its declared policies and necessary safety measures. The purpose of this protocol is to prevent these never events of wrong patient, wrong site and wrong procedure surgery, even though it also presents. This protocol also covers those procedures that are carried outside the medical operating room.

In 2002, researchers from California highlighted this fact that the hospitals do not report these wrong patient procedures and wrong patient surgeries. The researchers have made this research to take into consideration the careless behavior of the hospitals towards these never events that should not be avoided like this. Their research shows very few of the hospitals reported to the Joint Commission. In the view of these researchers these underreporting of never events required serious attention. They studied several cases related to these never events and also collected the estimation of reported events.

This research particularly focuses on these never events, it has not described in detailed that accountability of the nursing field in this regard, however the nursing errors are great cause of wrong patient surgery and wrong procedure surgery.

Literature Review

To reduce the surgical errors rate, the Joint Commission initiated a universal protocol for all health care hospitals, nursing homes and outpatient follow-up facilities of surgery are also established. But even though if these measures were adopted mainly to reduce these errors but still the surgical errors continue. This happens quite often. The universal protocol introduction minimized the frequency of these never events. The universal protocol needs three major steps: an audit procedure, marking the accurate location for surgery, and a "time out" for the system immediately after the completion of the surgery.

Theoretical Framework

Present evidence is overpowering that the error and three kinds of quality problems that result in harm to millions of Americans each year. The underlying conclusion is that the evidence has been collected and presidential candidate by a committee of academic experts and a panel discussion of interdisciplinary studies with more than 24 million Americans IOM.11 antibiotics for colds and other respiratory infections were sponsored evaluation of upper urinary tract in 1992, 16 percent of hysterectomies in ...
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