Role Of The Counselor In Emergency Management Teams

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Role of the Counselor in Emergency Management Teams


This paper provides a critical analysis of the counselors' role in crisis management teams hypothetically provided as a guide. It also discusses the role they have played in any previous management of a country-wide crisis effecting people and their resources. Critical elements of crisis management response teams and their guidelines as provided by the Mental Health All-Hazards Disaster Planning Guidance published by US Department of Health and Human Services are also discussed. These elements are then compared with the answers obtained by an interview conducted with the spokesperson of Red Cross. The interview questions were asked in the context of a recent crisis experienced by the US nation. Paper also highlights specific counseling skills for which the counselors in crisis management should be trained.

Role of the Counselor in Emergency Management Teams


According to the Red Cross monthly update report (2012), Sandy was a powerful tropical cyclone that had devastated various regions of the United States in late October 2012. In the wake of this tragic event, American Red Cross had launched relief operations in eleven states, the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico.

In an interview with the Red Cross spokesman Roger Lowe was addressed with various questions regarding ways to deal with such emergency situation.

1) In a crisis, are there critical time lines to be considered? If so, what are they?

Yes, critically evaluated and elaborately planned timelines are an essential to fight off an emergency crisis. The timeline is a timetable which is prepared for the crisis at hand. It might include the actions to be taken, the preparations for the safety of people before the crisis and management of the possible effected ones after the event. For instance, detailed timelines were drawn for warding off the crisis of the Sandy hurricane by the government and the crisis management teams (

2) Is there a developmental time sequence to a crisis? If so describe it.

Needs and preparations of the crisis management teams are subjected to change, and for that reason crisis management cell and workers are always prepared for any change or development in the time sequence.

3) Considering a community-wide crisis, who are the local people or organizations that I need to contact? In what order or sequence or time do I do that?

The local centers for the Red Cross are the best to contact. Contact with the regional offices will help you in getting services quickly and effectively. In cases of a mass crisis, transportation and other infrastructures get jammed or might not work properly. Round-the-clock service of the Red Cross or any other crisis management organization also enables you to contact them any time (

4) Considering a community-wide crisis, who are the state and national people or organizations that I need to contact? In what order or sequence or time do I do that?

In times of such situations, various crisis management teams are formed by the government or other non-governmental organizations which can be ...
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