Significance Of Motor Development

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Significance Of Motor Development

Significance Of Motor Development


SPED team is team which comprises of the members that help educate children with special needs. The members include administrator, coordinators, special education teachers etc. Responsibilities of special education teachers may vary; however, they have certain basic roles to play in development of children with special needs (Klein et al. 2001). It is principal of their teaching to identify the typical developmental needs in such children, acquire knowledge for their needs and applying the acquired knowledge in their development. In order to know the importance of motor development in children with special needs and the difference between typical and atypical motor development in the, special education teacher is interviewed which will be summarized to show basic information. The teacher has been teaching and working with IEP team for last five years.

Interview Summary

In order to know the significance of motor development among children with special needs, it is important to know what is motor impairment or motor delay. Children having problems with motor functioning are categorized as either motor impairment or motor delay. Children having development delays display a level of motor development that is described as problems with the attainment of atypical patterns or motor skills that hinder carrying out certain particular movements (Mays, 2011). According to the teacher - children with Down syndrome, typically linked with the delays in physical growth, grave degree of intellectual inabilities and a specific set of facial characteristics - are frequently defined as possessing impaired postural along with the voluntary motor control.

Teacher elaborated that motor development is a process which occurs in children from their birth to about six or seven years of their age. This time period is considered as the most favorable for stimulating their capacities which constitutes of their basic components. In the attainment of equilibrium and as a result of coordination, the fusion of all such elements is made palpable (Gullo, 2005). As a whole, according to the teacher, these capabilities allow them to raise awareness within themselves regarding the space, objects and the people around them. Owing to these facts, it is important to work upon the motor development of children with special needs; however, it is important to differentiate between typical and atypical motor development so that children can be assisted in better ways.

The teacher we interviewed also elaborated that the parents and the health practitioners often measure and track developmental milestone of a child from their infancy period to the middle school. These milestones include behavioral or physical signs of social, physical, and cognitive progress which make a way to the mastery over their environment. Crawling, smiling, manipulating objects, self-care, walking and talking are examples of the motor developmental milestones which offer a valuable insight into their development. Children with special needs develop these skills in different patterns and different times. It is due to the fact that attaining the developmental milestones depends upon the severity of their disability along with their personal and family environment and ...
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