Slavery And Human Trafficking

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Slavery and Human Trafficking


The word “Human Trafficking” has a legal description based upon the rules and regulations' of nations or the principles of global agencies, and those authorized descriptions vary from site to site. For instance, in the legal framework of United States Jurisdiction, any person falls in the age bracket of 18 years is considered as a victim of human trafficking. This paper will give a detailed analysis on the subject matter of 'Slavery and 'Human Trafficking', covering the topics of different forms of slavery and people trafficking, how to stop the institution of slavery and legal response towards the matter. It has been observed that slavery and human trafficking have turned out to be a common practice. Across the globe, weak people are forcibly trapped in human trafficking and slavery. This raises the concern of violation of human rights and freedom of their choice. Immigrants, vulnerable groups, children without parental support and financially deprived people are exposed to become part of this institution. There are many people who are compelled into slavery practice by human trafficking. This includes business trading activities or trapping humans for the purpose of some type of slavery.



Slavery and Human Trafficking5

Types of People Trafficking and Slavery7

Legal Response to Slavery and Human Trafficking8

Practical Interventions9



Slavery and Human Trafficking


All over the historical account, it has been recognized that the institution of slavery has intended the complete and aggressive control of one person by another. This is for the purpose of getting financial benefits or getting work done without paying the vulnerable party. New element in the practice of slavery is the declining rate in the cost of slaves. In the past, slaves were costly, the standard price being over $40,000 in today's currency. This charge has been completely decreased to extremely low rates as compared with the past. At present, the standard cost of employing slave is around $90 in the United States. This remarkable change in the pricing level of slavery refers that slavery institution have closed being capital procurement things and nowadays non-refundable inputs in the financial procedures.

There are more individuals who have been controlled by their masters and this has been drastically increased with the passage of time. At present, there are around 27 million people who belong to the institution of slavery in the country. This is due to the fact that there is a sudden increase in the population, overall poverty in the population and their defenselessness, and governmental bribery so that individuals are not sheltered from the hostility of being in the state of slavery. In the practice of slavery, dominant party completely suppresses and control vulnerable groups. They employ violent behavior, unfriendliness, take financial benefits from them and give no payment of their hard work (Bales & Soodalter, 2009).

From the thought of slavery, new concept of Human Trafficking has emerged. It is a modern conception that involves the process of making someone a slave and causes them to lose their freedom. People trafficking are contemporary practices of trading ...
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