Social Justice

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Social Justice

Social Justice


We are witnessing a peculiar phenomenon. One is amazed that public investment funds are plentiful-billions of dollars, and the problem is that they are not being used in the first place or are used improperly. If we complained before about the lack of money, now what we have is worse, because no one knows how to use or misuse the money. A problem as complex as poverty cannot be addressed in part. Therefore, it is necessary to start hitting in the approach as it is the secret to finding a solution, otherwise, the problem is exacerbated, creating new problems, scattering energies and generating further discouragement. This assignment will throw light on the topic of poverty as a capability deprivation.


Poverty is not only lack of money, although this is necessary is not sufficient. Amartya Sen, Nobel Prize winner in Economics has again reminded that poverty is not only lack of income, but is in the lack of capacity. These capabilities are of the order of technical, professional, managerial, and especially moral capacities (Sen, 2011).

25 centuries ago Aristotle had sent that warning that human beings are possessors in three aspects or levels and only when we grow in the three we develop and otherwise forget about it. These three levels are the most basic and below is the material possession-money-(level 1), above is the cognitive-training-possession (level 2) and the highest form of ownership, superior moral, virtues (level 3). Humans are in such condition that only if we actually move in the three levels, we find that they are closely linked, mutually influential and hierarchical.

So the solution is not just to transfer money (level 1) to regions and municipalities, but also strengthen their cognitive skills, training and management skills (level 2) and especially to emphasize ethics (level 3). It requires a policy of effective decentralization of government reform, to expedite the implementation of projects at regional and municipal levels, to summon people actually technically prepared to meet the current agenda: improving from infrastructure, road-networks -communication, public health systems, to the quality of education and training. But all this is very difficult without a strong moral commitment (Sen, 2011).

The problem of poverty cannot be solved only with millions of money. It is a mistake to reduce the problem of poverty only through the lack of economic resources. If we think that giving money to regional and municipal governments will get the issue is fixed, it does not really solve anything. Along with economic resources, people have to try to provide themselves with the necessary training to use them or find advisors, competent technicians and especially a strong ethical commitment to use them directly.

The secret with the possessions of the second and third level is to move dramatically to the class, making them pay a lot. Literacy, educate, empower people, is helping to acquire holdings of second-level-knowledge: because it can put itself in a position to overcome poverty, being able to work and do well, with skilled labor, ...
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