Lending Institutions, Health Care and Human Capital

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Social Sciences

Lending Institutions, Health Care, and Human Capital


The focus of this paper would be on Lending Institutions, Health Care, and Human Capital in which the discussion will be on funding from international lending institutions, substantive ways in which a healthy population strengthens the economy of the country and leadership skills in used in foreign aid to improve its health care system. The country that has been selected is Guyana.


1. Funding from International Lending Institutions like the World Bank and the IMF 

Guyana is sovereign state whose economy has been experienced an improvement in 2013. Their economic growth has been based and limited through structural and policy inadequacies. Guyana Improvement in economy is due to the funding that was given by International Lending Institutions like the World Bank and the IMF. The IMF and the World Bank has played an important role in devising Guyana's economic reform program since 1990s (IIMF, 1997).

The role of IMF and World Bank is to promote global monetary as well as exchange stability. With this, IMF and World Bank are also responsible for expansion and international trade and lastly they are also responsible for multilateral payments system for current transactions. They also assist in reducing poverty and other deficiency in the third world country. They also provide healthy population environment and commit to improve overall economy of the country. They have been formulating different strategies for Guyana in order to reduce poverty and providing finance so that they can recover their economy. In 1991, International Monetary Fund had refinanced the debt since they were facing a huge loss. These two international bodies has been supporting in formulating effective strategies for them with respect to Forestry, Fisheries, Livestock and sugar industry. But this assistance has been hindering their social, economic, or political development (countrystudies). The reason for this is that since they are funding their operations and businesses, they need to keep control over so that their funding amount employed properly.

Since Guyana does not have strong economy and they do not have proper governmental structure, IMF and World Bank has been interfering in their operations due to which they are unable to make their own discussion with respect to industries and trades. In early years, Word bank and Guyana did not have good terms and the reason for this was their involvement in each of their decisions (MacCuish, 2005). There was distrust between them due to which Guyana avoid World Bank funding. But with these two bodies, Guyana has better-informed civil society due to formation of effective formation of policy. They have currently implemented PRSP in order to make sure that areas which has been funded are getting those facilities r not. Hence, IFM and World Bank funding has resulted in self-dependency and they are now making their policies for better results (IMF, 2013).

2. Four (4) substantive ways in which a healthy population strengthens the economy

For any country healthy population is essential since it has direct connection with economy of the ...