Solar Energy

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Solar Energy


Solar energy describes the energy, radiated and created by Sol - the amount of the solar energy incident on the earth planet, the star at the center of the solar system. Solar energy has importance in the biological life as well as in the human life. It defines the collection then conversion of heat or light from the sun to some usable form. Solar energy, directly or indirectly is used by the human virtually for every energy source, as a part from the geothermal energy. A wide range of applications relied on solar power by humans, historically. (Mulvaney, pp. 233-261)


Solar Energy Movement

In 19th century, movement of independent scientists, engineers, and investors, captured the energy from the sun, which originated the solar energy movement. The environmentalists and policymakers joined the solar energy movement after the World War II, however, political and broader social objectives were not become known until 1970s. The goals and the values of the solar movement evolved eventually, in concern with the energy security and over pollution. The political, environmental and social impacts of energy were turned to focus for the production of energy.

The movement of solar energy originated in America in early 19th century became to know as the age of mechanical engineering. Mechanics to extract nature's power from the sun was developed by the engineers and inventors through isolated attempts, solely the solar movement became the emerging technology movement. (Anderson, pp. 620-655)

Why Not Sooner?

The development of the solar energy movement had a most upsetting and the greatest effect proved by World War II. In 1930s, development program and solar research was begun, interrupted by America's war mobilization because of getting better organized. War-related work was reassigned to the engineers and scientists that were primarily involved in the solar energy.

In 1970s, the political and the environmental ideology of the political mobilization moved to the front position of the solar energy movement. Solar energy technology was taken as an exciting challenge by the scientists while an investment opportunity was viewed by the various corporations. Solar energy was denoted as an opportunity by the policymakers to protect the interest of Americans against the possible shortage of fossil fuel. Because of the nuclear power safety in late 1960s, it was not in increase, in concern, the 1965 electricity blackout, in 1969 oil spill, assumed solar energy a symbolic meaning. In consideration of corporate and social excess, it was against and not viewed as a part of solar energy movement. (Anderson, pp. 923-1037)

Although, the solar energy movement foundations were originated in 19th century, the consequences of energy production, environmental, political and economical, were growing after World War II, rather than the infirmity to the effects of war, ideology and periods of low-cost energy, movement also became the alternative for the fossil fuels.

Contribution for the Country

Using solar energy has the greatest benefit on environmental impact. It simply uses the existing energy, which is the beauty of the solar energy. To produce energy, no burning of hydrocarbon is needed to release the ...
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