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Study designs and validity, reliability, consistency

Study designs and validity, reliability, consistency

Qualitative Study

Qualitative study is primarily associated with the presentation of complete, comprehensive and detailed explanation pertaining to any event. It deals with qualitative data which involves factors as the attitudes of people, behavior and feelings. Drawing on the factors mentioned as depicting or identifying qualitative data, one attribute superimposes itself over others thereby explaining the prime characteristic of qualitative data, that is qualitative data is essentially any data that is non-quantifiable (Golafshani, 2003, pp. 601). However, qualitative data could be greater understood when contrasting it with quantitative data that is dealt with in quantitative research studies. Qualitative research study recognizes generalization and abstraction as matters of degree which may emerge as of least importance in some studies as a result of which, those studies rely on the use of quantitative research design (Neuman, 2003).

Qualitative research design usually employs the use of generalizations and abstractions so as to represent the concepts, application of theories in the post testing phase and etcetera. The design is associated with the use of unique methods and measures that are determined by researchers as per the unique aspects of the research as well as their convenience; whichever may facilitate greater overall understanding, as there is dominant use of generalizations, motives and abstractions that impacts degree of understanding required to interpret primary data as well as findings subsequently derived from it. Data in qualitative studies is presented primarily in the form transcripts, audio, visuals and the likes. Qualitative studies usually incorporate research findings in the form of text. Observation, focus group studies and interviews primarily denote research and data collection methods in qualitative research studies. Scope of inquiry includes the use of broad, thematic concerns. It is associated with the construction of social reality through concentrating the focus on authentic and interactive events. In qualitative study, research is primarily involved in the subject with the research approach being mainly inductive.

Advantages and Disadvantages

Quantitative as well qualitative research designs are used in disparate studies across numerous disciplines including Social Sciences, and both possess their own series of advantages and disadvantages. Advantages of qualitative researches are more prominent during the earlier stages comprising any research, as during this phase researcher is usually unsure of the course that the study would take through being uncertain of the area that should be focused upon. Conducting such researches following this research study design does not need the researcher to outline a strict design plan as to how to proceed with the research study, as a result of which researcher is presented with the freedom to go about the study in a natural fashion letting it take the path that naturally occurs appropriate and hence much needed flexibility. This helps the researcher identify various domains and patterns over time that deems fit to be included in the study, which could result in comprehensive and effective findings. Through the use of qualitative study, rich and detailed data is collected as obvious to be ...
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