Stress Management

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Stress Management Techniques



Concept of Stress1

Impact of Stressful Condition on Health2

Concept of Well-Being and Vitality4

Concept of Stress Management4

Communication and Problem Solving Approach5

Stress Management Techniques5



Stress Management


In the existing era, people are involved in multiple activities which require them to stay in a good condition either physically or mentally. There should be a proper balance between the personal and professional lives. It happens that people who are suffering from some personal problem tends to be performing low at their job or work. There could be other problems like job related stress may also be distracting to ones work. However, if a person is going through with a personal problem then it makes a person to work under stress. The excessive stress could be a danger to ones physical and emotional health. The success or failure of overcoming the problem of stress depends on the ability of a person dealing with it. There are many things in the environment which are uncontrollable but it does not mean that a person is powerless in a difficult situation (Kalat, 2008, p.366).

The discussing scenario evaluates the stressful condition of a couple who is working at my salon. This couple has gone through from a break-up in a relationship. They have to face multiple problems including managing their basic needs, living, and settling down in a new area. This incident has affected them in a bad manner. Some of the problems include; feeling irritable and depressed, loss of interest in work, feel fatigue, sleeping problem, muscle tension and headache, social withdrawal, and use of alcohol or drugs to forget whatever happened.


Concept of Stress

The word “stress” can be replaced with words pressure, strain, or tension. Stress can be defined as the reaction of a body to any change that has taken place in one's life, which requires adjustment either physically, mentally, or emotionally. Stress can occur by any kind of situation or even thought that makes feel frustrated, mad, annoy, or nervous (Cotton, 1990, pp. 27-28). Stress has certain stages, which includes,

The first stage refers to as “alarm” which is characterized by the raised activity of sympathetic nervous system. This system prepares the person's body for some kind of emergency response.

In the second stage “resistance”, the person is able to maintain the prolonged alertness, struggle with infections, and cure wounds.

The third stage of stress “exhaustion” makes the person extremely tired and inactive because his/her immune systems are no longer in a position to bear the height of stress (Kalat, 2008, p.366).

In order to help my staff's members, it is necessary to recognize that at which stage they lie currently. If it has been noticed at the first stage of alarm, then it is easier to overcome the chances of the worst situation that might occur in the future as a response. However, when a person is suffering from stress, it is likely that the after-effects are natural to happen.

Impact of Stressful Condition on Health

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