Student And Health And Nutrition

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Student and Health and Nutrition

Student and Health and Nutrition


Nutrition is the basic pillar of a human life, constant exchange of substances between the organism and the environment takes place. A proper diet and nutrition is necessary for a human body to grow normally. Especially in children nutritional diet along with exercise is necessary to make their brain sharp and tune the body for natural functions.

In different historical times research has been conducted to prove the idea that for maintain the specialized working of brain it is necessary to equip the body. of food and nutrition, it changed depending on the development of productive forces of society, climatic and geographical conditions, the direction of economic activity and the like. Nature of the nutrition of the population was formed gradually, depending on the economic and cultural level of development taking into account national traditions and peculiarities. Food products are divided into products of plant and animal origin. The most common herbal products are cereals and derived products, vegetables, fruits, berries and mushrooms. For animal products, it includes meat, fish, eggs, milk and dairy products. The diet of a person consists a food that contains a package of required minerals to nourish the body of a children total fats and protein as well as carbohydrates in sufficient quantity.

Adolescence & Child Health

Adolescence is a critical time in the life cycle. Today, under the ages of 10 to 25 years a figure approximately 1.5 billion people are more than have ever populated the earth. This is an especially vulnerable population, as more than half of young people live on less than US$2 per day. Nutrition is important to growth and maturation, and overall health during adolescence and throughout the life course. From an evolutionary perspective, poor nutrition during adolescence can negatively impact reproductive health, and from an adaptive perspective, it can lead to non adaptive accommodations such as reduced stature and cognitive capacity. This is the reason why the importance of nutrition is very high during the adolescence years. Therefore, all the issues related to the nutrition during the adolescence years will be discussed in detail.

A recent study in Canada reiterated that children and adolescents, especially girls, who experience hunger in their lives exhibit poorer general health throughout their lifespan. Intense growth occurs during adolescence, where individuals can gain 15% of their total height and 50% of their adult weight. Poor nutrition during adolescence can lead to a trajectory of diminished health outcomes during adulthood and in the next generation. For example, under nutrition in pregnant young women has been shown to lead to nutrient partitioning benefitting the mother at the expense of the infant. It can also affect work capacity and cognitive functioning. Despite their numerical size, little information exists on youth food and nutrition from an anthropological perspective, especially in developing countries (Blum, 2004). These topics are important to understand however, because nutrition likely affects how youth transition through a variety of states.

By combining these products, using a regular vegetable salad dressed with ...
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