Teaching English Writing For Arabic Students

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Teaching English Writing for Arabic Students


Table of Contents


Theoretical Framework3

Research Philosophy and Strategy5

Qualitative Research Methodology7

Research Approach8

Justification for the Qualitative Research8

Data Collection Methods9


Interview Questions10

Benefits of Using Interview12

Disadvantages of the Interview Method13

Sample Selection13


Data Analysis14

Ethical Considerations15

Validity of the Research16



The third chapter of this research is methodology. It will discuss the methodology selected for this research. The methodology that has been proposed for this research is qualitative research methodology.

The research methodology chapter will discuss and explain the methodology adopted by the researcher in order to collect and analyze data. The research methodology is also referred to as the backbone of the research because it provides the overall structure and direction to it. The methodology chapter also includes research strategy and research approach which are two important factors that influence the findings and results of a study (Dyson & Freedman, 2003, pp. 967). The main idea of this research is to understand the challenges and difficulties encountered by students when learning English language. The researcher particularly aims to identify the challenges of non-native speakers. The group that the researcher has selected for this research is of Arabic students.

Theoretical Framework

English is spoken in many parts of the world, and is an international language. In many parts of the world, English is spoken as a first and second language. Since many years, English has been considered as a common and universal language of communication. English language is considered to be the language of knowledge since a number of studies in science, literature, healthcare, and other fields are conducted in English language. English language is considered to be a passport for a successful career, improved communication, and other aspects.

According to Matsuda and Silva (2005), the teaching of English as a foreign language has become a clear indication for educational achievements and developments. In Gulf countries, English language has made several improvements and advancements. In Arabic countries, English language learners experience different difficulties. These difficulties are actually the topic of this conversation. In order to understand the difficulties of Arabic students when learning English language, it is important to recognize the influence of Arabic culture on language learning as well as different language skills such as writing, reading, speaking, and listening.

In the Arab culture, writing is considered to be an important tool for communication. Writing is an essential tool for students to communicate and develop one of the language skills to become successful and productive members of a society. Writing is very common in different aspects of Arabic life. In Arabic countries, there are many writers in different fields including religion, poetry, language, medicine, and others. The Arabic writers have published books, novels, plays, and others.

Arabic students learning English language often face difficulties when learning English writing. In English language, writing is done in an organized manner and writers follow a specific pattern. The patterns and procedures used for writing in English language prevent writers from deviating from the topic. The trends of English writing are also different from those of other ...
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