The Alien Abduction Phenomenon

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The Alien Abduction Phenomenon

The Alien Abduction Phenomenon


The alien abduction phenomenon actually refers to the memories and experiences of some individuals that were apparently secretly taken away against their will by non-earthly creatures and subjected to different kinds of exposures and medical tests. People as such who claim to have been abducted are termed as 'abductees'.

This phenomenon gained attention in the early 1960's when it had become a trend and eight hundred people from the United States alone, claimed to have been subjected to abduction. These people were from all walks of life such as teachers, doctors and common man regardless of creed or ethnicity. The United States of America also allows insurance companies to provide insurance of the abductees' wealth.

There are no solid evidences yet to prove if the claimed abductions so far are real or just mere hallucinations of attention seeking people. Most abductees tell of the experience being traumatic whereas a few have claimed the experience as erotic. They allege to have been abducted for intercourse as a test of the human reproductive system or as an attempt to clone them or interbreeding.


Sociologists Susan A. Clancy and Robert A. Baker specialize in interviewing these abductees and also use hypnotism in some cases where the interviewee is unable to describe the experience. In her book 'Abducted' she explains how the claimant abductees tend to score high on a personality test called Schizotypy. These people are prone to fantasizing and therefore, can make up very believable and convincing stories of their abduction experiences (Ludden, 2007).

Her studies so far have helped her identify some essential information regarding abductions.

Classification of extra-terrestrial encounters:

These extra-terrestrial encounters are classified into five types:

Close encounter level 1: when an Unidentified Flying Object is spotted from a distance, but is not causing any harm to the environment.

Close encounter level 2: when an Unidentified Flying Object is spotted and it effects the environment. Such as a power outage, strong winds or light beams.

Close encounter level 3: to witness an alien but no interaction is made.

Close encounter level 4: to witness and interact with an alien when the alien will inject a device in your body that will help them monitor your everyday activities, or if the alien eats you.

Close encounter level 5: when the aliens abduct you and you are suctioned into the spaceship through a light beam. This is further divided into two parts; when the aliens experiment on you and send you back to earth and when the aliens never bring you back

Reasons for abduction:

The hypothetical reasons that these abductees tell of are mainly intercourse as the abducting alien kind cannot reproduce so they use humans for wombs and sperm. Another reason provided is that aliens wish to study the human body. Now if this was the case, then a total of 10 humans as a sample would be enough to conduct a study (McDowell, n.d).

Harvard professor Richard McNally explains the possible reason due to which some people claim to be ...