The Dark Knight Mise En Scene

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The Dark Knight Mise en scene

The Dark Knight Mise en scene


The Dark Knight's penultimate scene takes place in the destroyed building where Harvey Dent's fiancée Rachel Dawes died. Harvey (a.k.a the Two Face) who has lost his sanity due to this loss tries to exact his revenge on the family of Commissioner James Gordon after the Joker misdirects him. In particular, he targets the son of Gordon since he believes that Gordon's incapability led to the loss of his love interest. So, on a tit for tat basis he decides to kill the one whom Gordon loves the most. In between this Batman makes an entry. He tries to convince Harvey that if he is insistent upon taking his revenge, then he should point his finger to those who are responsible for this tragedy i.e the three of them (Gordon, Harvey and Batman). Dent agrees with batman and decides to settle the question with his customary method of flipping his coin. He tosses for the Batman first and shoots him. Then, he tries his own luck which results in the coin favoring his life. Finally, to settle for Gordon, he puts the life of his son at stake. However, just as he waits for the coin to come down, batman pushes him through out of the building, saving the boy by holding onto him.


The Setting of the film

The film takes place in a contemporary fictional American city by the name of Gotham. As an urban center, it has developed problems typically seen in urban localities i.e organized crime and corruption. Gotham reflects the usual American city that is tolerant and has a room of opportunity for everybody. It also reflects a city which because of its busy lifestyle has become callous to the deteriorating state of society. Gotham is a city facing destruction In this state of affairs, three men rise to the occasion namely, the Batman, Detective James Gordon and the D.A Harvey Dent. Opposing them is the mob with its leaders like the Chechen, Saloni and Gambol with a recent new addition in the form of the Joker. The Joker, unlike the other crime bosses, is interested in dominating the city and unleashing his wrath on it at any cost (Halbfinger,2008).

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