The Help

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The Help

The Help


'The Help' is basically an adaptation of a bestselling novel, which deals with an unlikely rebellion occurring in Southern Town by the black maids serving white families. The novel and thus the movie are set in 1960's, and present the conditions and problems that were present at that time. The story of two black women is narrated by one white woman in the movie, which provides an exact description of the events and the hardships that they encountered. It also focuses on the life of the black maids and describes how difficult it was for them during the era when human rights were not granted much consideration. The movie has been rated PG-13 because of the bold concepts used in the movie, which were necessary to make the viewers understand the actual purpose behind making the film and brining the problems of these black maids to screen.

Discussion: Part A

The maids who bought up by the central character of the story Steeker, also formed strong bonds with her, however, as per the custom, she to leave after certain time and kept in touch with the maids through letter, which was the major agent of socialization for Steeker, the main character. After leaving, Steeker tried to keep in touch with the maids through letters but one of them stopped answering after some letters (Stockett, 2009). The unanswered letters not only hurt her but also force her to think about the issues that she might be in, and thus she come to understand the actual position and condition of the black maids.

According to the movies, the black maids and the black servants act as the major socialization agent for the major character, Skeeter, who has been raised by two black maids. Being a keen observer, she keeps a close eye on the issues and a hardship faced by these maids, and is also disheartened by the behavior and attitude shown by one of them, Constantine, who suddenly stops answering her letters.

The social group, the black maids, found that Steeker is taking interest in their problems and issues and thus tried to use her voice as their own, as they knew that blacks would never be given equal attention and concentration. In order to be heard and given significance, they decided to confide all their problems in her, thus changing her views regarding the black and making an attempt to get ...
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