The Human Condition

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The Human Condition

The Human Condition


Hannah Arendt

Hannah Arendt is famous as a political philosopher of the twentieth century. She contributed in the field of writing and her work can not easily described as an explanation of a single argument into a systematic philosophy. It would not be wrong to say that her views are distant despotism, the nature of freedom, revolution, and the powers of judgment and thought. She shows the theme of nature of politics and political life and differentiates the life of politics from the other areas of human activities. Talking about the only work of Arendt, it is true to say that she has undertaken the task of reconstruction of political existence and its nature. A phenomenological pointer to the thorough authority set forth on her by Jaspers and Heidegger. Starting from the character of social and throwing away the traditional ideas of the philosophy, she aims to bring the objectives that sketch the life of politicians and the concept of politics as a different mode of human experience. The investigation, she did in this respect, extents the remaining life and work of Arendt. While going through the program, she comes up with different and repeated themes that aid her to organize her thoughts and other themes. A good example would be the condition of human, in care to possibility and the democratic public life. She brings the theme of the forces and their threats to democratic public life and describes that it is a conflict between public interest and private. These repeated issues compel her to elaborate and refine them because these are concerned to the production and consumption and its cycles. Doing so, she develops the publicly-minded political. In spite of the destructive events taken place in the twentieth century, she becomes able to develop these publicly-minded politics. The destructive events are considered for the traditional framework of such judgment. (Lewis and Sandra1994)


The Human Condition

The work of “The Human Condition” is considered Hannah Arendt's most influential work that differentiates the concepts of political life and social life. On the other hand, it also differentiates the labor and work and the several forms of business. More above, it discovers the connotations for these arguments of these distinctions. Hannah Arendt gets worried upon the condition of human because she sees the freedom for humanity as mandatory and, on the other hand, humanity even in modernity is not free in a sense. She imposes that the modern world should be free from the necessities. The necessities have brought the human to the place of labor. In this way, she thinks that the man, in the modern age, is afraid of making efforts to get rid of the condition of a person. According to her, man seems to be bound in technological devices and labor in order to overcome the necessities of the human condition. In fact, this state of human in order to seek freedom by way of doing labor compels her to make a critical and analytical ...
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