The Tang Poetry

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The Tang Poetry

The Tang poetry


The Tang Dynasty was a distinctive period in the history of China. The culture was stable and prosperous and had achieved huge accomplishment in the art, culture, and writing. Writing poetry was the most significant activity to civil and cultural imperial assessment. "A Complete Collection of Tang Poems" incorporates almost 50,000 works by more than 2,300 poets.

During the Tang Dynasty (618-907 AD), China was one of the most civilized and advanced countries in the world, socially stable and economically prosperous, rich flowering was the literary and poetic in particular. In the history of Chinese literature, the Tang dynasty is considered the golden age of poetry. Due to the richness of its ideological content and artistic forms, the breadth of topics covered and the number of poets who devoted themselves to the Tang poetry is unprecedented in the history of Chinese culture. The anthology "Quan Tang Shi", which collects the poems of the entire dynasty, contains 50,000 written by more than 2,300 poets. These works, as well as being a true reflection of the various aspects of the society of Tang, demonstrate the artistic maturity reached by the Chinese poetry in that period.


Tang era has always been considered the golden age of poetry. In a short program like today, it is of course impossible to present in a comprehensive way the rich cultural heritage of the Tang Dynasty. We limit ourselves to speak of Li Bai and Du Fu, the two poets who excelled among their contemporaries, for their creativity and talent.

Li Bai and Du Fu are well known even outside of China. They lived in the same years. Li Bai was eleven years older than Du Fu. They met only once, but the spiritual affinity made ??them friends for life. The reasons of their poetry, however, are completely different, those born from a romantic inspiration of Li Bai, under the imprint of realism those of Du Fu. Li Bai and Du Fu are therefore deemed to be the founders of the two main currents of the Tang poetry, the romantic and realistic.

The poems of Li Bai come down to us are more than 900. For her talent, Li Bai was called "the heavenly poet." The appreciation may seem overwhelming, but it is clear, however, that Li Bai had an exceptional creative ability. Du Fu said of him, just a cup of wine and Li Bai can write a hundred poems. The direction of Du Fu contains the truth. Li Bai liked to drink, because the wine was a stimulus for him. His life and his creative activity were much influenced by this predilection. Li Bai praised the wine in many of his poems. In times of joy or sorrow, those in indignation, wine stimulated him, comforted him, exalted him. From a few glasses of wine are poured forth verses of exceptional sharpness, terse as spring water.

Li Bai traveled the whole world far and out. The magnificent scenery of the country modeled his ...
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