The Western Imperialism

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The Western Imperialism

The Western Imperialism


In this paper, we will have a discussion over the western imperialism in general, and the responses of Japan, China and India towards it. Imperialism refers to the tendency of a political system of a country or its leaders to extend their influence to other countries or people, for their submission and inclusion in their own environment. This includes building and maintaining an unequal cultural, economic and territorial relationship among the countries and its people.

Thesis Statement

The responses of Japan, China and India towards the western imperialism are different to each other. The Japan had positive response; however, India and China were not happy initially with the western imperialism.


Decolonization is a process of granting independence and full sovereignty of the dominion to the mandated colonies, territories and protectorates. The exact date of the beginning of this process is not defined accurately. Though, some scientists believe that the acquisition of independence by the United States and the liberation of countries of South America are examples of decolonization. However, it is supposed that the process of decolonization applies to the events which happened after the World War II (Goff et al., 2008).

Shortly after the World War II, most of the countries regained their independence, especially the countries which are located in Asia (such as Vietnam, Indonesia, India, Korea, Ceylon and Pakistan). In the year 1960, the United Nations adopted the Declaration on the Granting of Independence of colonial countries. In the same year, seventeen countries of Africa received independence; hence, this year is also known as the Year of Africa. At the end of this year, an independent state occupied 87 percent of the continent. In the subsequent years; the second half of the twentieth century, all of the countries in Africa and most of the colonies in other continents achieved independence as well.

Factors Shaping Responses to Western Imperialism

Imperialism, by using a variety of economic and political repression, is threatening a direct military intervention by organizing all kinds of conspiracies and sabotage, while seeking to prevent the different states on the path of progressive reforms. This counter revolutionary line in the short term seems to be even more dangerous proportions (Barbara, 2006).

The military had much influence on Japanese society during the Meiji Restoration. Almost all the leaders in the Meiji era (whether in the military, business or politics) were ex- samurai or descendants of samurai; as they shared a set of perspectives and values. The recent Meiji government considered that Japan was threatened by Western imperialism and one of the main motivations of policy was the desire to consolidate the economic base and industrial Japan, so that a strong army could be established to defend Japan against foreign powers. National issues of the time also demanded a strong army. The first Meiji government was threatened by internal revolts, such as the Saga Rebellion or the Satsuma Rebellion, and many other rural uprisings.

It is known that for almost a century, China has been a semi ...
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