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Erickson Stages of Psychosocial Development

Erikson was the first one to give a model of development for the whole life span. Following are Eikson's stages

Oral-sensory stage

This is the stage between birth and year one. During this stage, a child learn to trust and mistrust themselves, parents and others if the parents gives familiarity to the child, he/she consider the world a safe place to be whereas if the parents are unreliable then the child creates a mistrust. A child has a very significant relation with the mother in this stage (Boeree, n.d.).

Anal-muscular stage

This age involves early childhood from 18 months to approximately 4 years. The main purpose of this stage is to achieve some independence by reducing doubts and shame. If the kid is left to explore the environment, by this he would develop a sense of independence. The parents should not push or discourage a child. If parents try to be firm and tolerant both, the child would learn both self control and self esteem.

Genital-locomotor stage

This stage is from 3-6years. The child learns to react positively to the challenges of the world, learning new skills, take responsibilities and feel purposeful. Parents should encourage children to try their ideas. Parents should encourage imagination and curiosity as this is the time to play. In this stage, the child makes the non-reality into reality. The child learns to feel guilty for his actions (Boeree, n.d.).

Latency stage

This stage lasts between 6-11 years. The child has relations with people in the neighborhood and school. The child learns social skills. Children should learn the feeling of success. The child wants to complete tasks. If a teacher is harsh, the child would feel inferior and incompetent (Boeree, n.d.).


This is the stage between 12-18 years. The task is to discover ego identity and stay away from role confusion (Boeree, n.d.). A child knows who he is and how he fits into the society. The child should have good role models around him who are open for communication. Certain accomplishments should be provided to the child so that he distinguishes between adult and a child.

Young adulthood

This stage is between 18-30 years. The task is to gain some level of intimacy, as opposed to being in isolation. Intimacy means being close to people like a friend and lover. Till this stage you know who you are. Due to immaturity in this stage, people fear to make commitments. You need do not need to prove yourself anymore (Boeree, n.d.).

Middle adulthood

This stage is when we are raising our kids, between 20's and 50's. The task is to develop the appropriate balance of stagnation and generativity. Generativity is the love for the next generation. It does not want love in return. On the other hand, stagnation is to show care for no one. People should not be so generative that they have no time for themselves. Both less generativity and much stagnation make you no participator or contributory towards society and the meaning of life lies ...
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