Travel & Tourism

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Travel and Tourism Industry

Travel and Tourism Industry


Among the types of recreation preferred by foreign tourists, is dominated by cognitive tourism. The world-famous ancient cities, museums, tourist attractions and monuments of culture - all those objects that create a familiar image from childhood classic, traditional British - attracts tourists from all over the world. The country has more than 6,400 sites of cultural tourism, including 22 of World Cultural and Natural Heritage. They visited both the British and foreign tourists. However, data on attendance the most prominent of them indicate that the number of visits to such facilities as a whole is decreasing (Miller, 1993).

Increasing the number of visitors limited to the new museums and centers of entertainment, whose number is growing rapidly, or those that have introduced free entry. As for the other museums, including those who have always been a kind of "calling card" of the country - such as the Tower of London, Westminster Abbey, Canterbury Cathedral, or even London Zoo - the number of visitors to their decline. At the same time there are new high-tech projects, which attract both British and foreign tourists. This "Project Eden" in Cornwall, a theme park "Legoland" in Windsor, a theme park "Flamingo Land" in Yorkshire and the like

It should be noted that due to the predominance of tourism visits to the country's foreign tourists are fairly evenly throughout the year with a slight increase in the flux in the holiday season in July and August. Average length of stay of foreign tourists in the UK fell from 11.6 (1985) to 8.3 days (2005). Average length of stay of foreign tourists in London is 6.6 days (Weaver, 2005).

Structure of the Industry

If we consider the types of activities that are characteristic for domestic tourism, it must be stressed that the visit of cultural and historical heritage of the country has always been well developed. Of great importance is the British interest to its past to its own national culture and traditions. Many objects of cultural and historical heritage, museums and attractions, including the many monuments of the Industrial Revolution, are interesting to the general population and are of great educational value. However, interest in heritage and tradition is gradually reduced, yielding place to new attractions and entertainment. Looking for tailoring to order - teaching fashion design.

Despite significant changes in domestic tourism, along with cognitive tourism remains the traditional British holiday at the seaside resorts of the country. Creating these resorts began in the mid XVIII century. Their heyday was in the end of XIX - first half of XX century. Traditional English resort (usually called bucket-and-spade resort) appeared on the coast at the site of fishing villages or even from scratch, first as a place of rest and treatment of the aristocracy, then in connection with the development of railways - as a place of mass families. For these resorts was characterized by the traditional layout of a standard set of services and entertainment, traditional types of ...
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