Uniform Crime Reports And National Incident-Based Reporting System

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Uniform Crime Reports and National Incident-Based Reporting System


This research paper intends to explore the two primary crime data sources used in the United States of America. The two crime data sources include the “Uniform Crime Reports (UCR)” and the “National Incident-Based Reporting System (NIBRS).” The research paper employs methodological procedure and implications, while collecting and analyzing the data. NIBRS is a part, a country, state, city and Federal law enforcement initiative, which comes under UCR program. The department justice in the USA governs two programs, which collect and compile statistical data related to crimes in all over the country. These two programs evaluate the nature, magnitude, and influence of crime in the USA. These two programs (UCR and NIBRS) were previously called National Crime Survey. Due to dissimilarities in crime coverage and methodology, the outcomes from the two initiatives are neither firmly equivalent nor reliable. A comprehensive study on comparison of these two programs will provide an enhanced perceptive about the crime problem in the nation.




Uniform Crime Report (UCR)2

National Incident Based Reporting System (NIBRS)3

Crime Data Summary3

Comparison of UCR and NIBRS4

Uniform Crime Reports and Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)6

Corresponding Operations of NIBRS and the Conventional UCR System7

Main Distinctions between NIBRS and the Conventional UCR System8

1.NIBRS Employs Incident Oriented Vs. UCR Synopsis System8

a.Conventional UCR Reporting8

2.Data Values and Data Elements Used in NIBRS Reports9

3.NIBRS Employs New and Revised Crimes Definitions10

4.NIBRS employs UCR Crimes Codes10

5.NIBRS Does Not Employ the Hierarchy Regulation10

6.NIBRS Gives Greater Specificity in Reporting11

7.NIBRS Holds an Innovative Scoring Category Called “Crimes Against Society”12



Uniform Crime Reports and National Incident-Based Reporting System


The USA mainly and commonly uses two crime reports, which include “Uniform Crime Report (UCR)” and National Incident-Based Reporting System (NIBRS).” FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation) mainly and widely uses UCR for maintaining crime records and drafting policy decisions. UCR was initiated in late 1930s and tracked information on seven crimes, which include robbery, murder, aggravated assault, rape, vehicle theft, burglary, and theft. UCR commenced reporting on arson in 1979. Approximately, 17,000 law enforcement bureaus provide UCR data to the FBI; however, those data have various boundaries that make them inappropriate for investigating local crime (Office of Justice Programs, 2009).

In contrast, crime related information from NIBRS, since 2004; emerge from 5,271 law enforcement bureaus that present about 20% of the entire population of the USA. NIBRS is the outcome of the FBI's endeavors in the 1980s to amend the UCR. NIBRS is an occurrence-based reporting system for crimes identified to the police. For every occurrence of crime emerging to the awareness of law enforcement, a range of data is gathered regarding the occurrence. These data entail the types and the nature of definite transgressions in the occurrence, features of the offender(s) and victim(s), value and types property recovered and stolen, and features if individuals arrested in relation with a crime occurrence crime (Office of Justice Programs, 2009).


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