Us History II

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US History II

US History II

Using examples from the reading, support or refute Howard Zinn's contention that late-nineteenth- and early-twentieth-century corporations were the “first beneficiaries of the 'welfare state.'” Do you think twenty-first- century corporations continue to benefit in a similar manner? Explain.

The book entitled "A People's History of the United States" by Howard Zinn, perhaps the most important for the reader of the Iberian Peninsula can read about the birth, passing on history and recent past, this one might say of such country. The author declares his interest in bringing to light all that belongs to the working people, from start to finish by explosive situations, struggles reported, systemic and local rebellions, the hidden world behind the image of freedom, power and wealth they have sold to multinationals (Fergusondate, 2005). Howard Zinn seeks the historical truth by observing the class struggle, the objective reasons, and the facts as social development has been going from Columbus to today. Faced with the conception that the title implies that Kissinger gave a book: "History is the memory of the states", Howard Zinn says, "My point of view, to tell the story of the U.S., is different: we must not accept the memory of states as their own. Nations are not communities and never were. The history of any country, if presented as if it were a family, conceals terrible conflicts of interest (something explosive, often repressed) between conquerors and conquered, masters and slaves, capitalists and workers, dominators and dominated for reasons of race and sex. In a world of conflict, in a world of victims and perpetrators, the job of thinking people should be, as Albert Camus suggested, not placed on the side of the executioners" (Zinn, 2003).

Howard Zinn brings us, as he says, history seen by the Arawaks, by slaves, for the Cherokees, for the deserters, for the workers and the workers, by the Cubans of the war in Cuba, by the Filipino soldiers by the socialists, pacifists, by blacks in Harlem, by peons in Latin America. If you want to know what happened and is happening in U.S. history hear the cry of the poor, he says, and is a little further, in the entire book, an alarm is heard as the voice of those who have not had a voice, Howard Zinn expurgan documents, bring statements, makes clear the reasons for the changes and the U.S. appears as it is. Since the first settlers left see a kind of unstoppable torrent rolls, turns, the new and the old, once a model and another is overwhelmed, but we operate it in cold blood and recover powered by the thousand contradictions (Fergusondate, 2005). Rising Indians, slaves, peasants, laborers, workers, blacks, whites, and the mercenary army defending possessions response of the elites, who only give the relentless push from below are the things that the author tries to highlight in his writings. Clashes and development drive social and economic policy changes, and the use of power by elites launching a formula called "democracy" whose ...
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